Wedding Woes

Varuna? PMeg? House of Cards.

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Re: Varuna? PMeg? House of Cards.

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    I have.

    So, I wasn't super keen on this season.  The first 3 episodes were serious politics (and kind of BS politics, but it's fiction) and that was  bit tiring.  I also thought Claire was being utterly ridiculous trying to get UN ambassador.  

    After all was said and done, I started reading some of the articles that were going through my feeds.  Interestingly enough, in the OG House of Cards for British parliament, the Frank character is murdered to serve his wife's own self interests.  So now, I'm like, "What if this season was about Claire being better at this all along than Frank?!"  And think I need to rewatch it with that in mind.

    Another friend and I were discussing how Claire's clothes were armor.  I thought back and said, "You know there were a lot of shots of her taking off her shoes and rubbing her feet."  I had always thought it was to show vulnerability and femininity, but what if it's her exhaustion of power playing for just a moment?  I think this could be a serious paper, analyzing Claire's clothes.

    To sum up:  I think this season was Claire's season and a lot of set up for whatever is happening next season which is going to blow.up.

    And Doug's arc.  Holy.  Sh!t.  Is all I can say.
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    I agree with your assessment about the season.  I plan on rewatching seasons 1-3 at some point. 

    Doug's arc was crazy. I knew he was going to turn the van around.  He needed to kill that addiction. It wasn't even about what she knew anymore. 

    I'm over Jackie and Remy.  There's a part of me that hopes they are played out, but I don't think so. 

    I am curious to see where they start season 4.  Have they been greenlit for season 4?  
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    We had quite the discussion about Doug and Rachel.  And I think you finally just cemented it in my head.  The other people I was watching with kept calling him a creeper.  I kept saying he wasn't b/c it wasn't about Rachel, he didn't love her or want her, it was about controlling something.  And you're right, she was representative of some sort of addiction.

    That syringe full of bourbon.  Holy hell, that's got to be one of the creepiest things I've ever seen on television.

    I really liked Jackie in the beginning, but they're making her into a stereotypical female politician.  I don't like that.  I really like Remy too and I was soooo happy when he finally got out...but he's let himself be dragged back in now.

    I'm not sure how I feel about Dunbar.  She keeps wanting to be the "good guy" but she wants the "bad guy" results.  Which is an interesting conflict to watch.
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    Yeah, Dunbar is going to sell her soul.  How can she not against Frank?

    I wonder how killing Rachel is going to come back on Doug. His whole arc was creepy and suspenseful.  I know his brother wants to believe in the good, but all the scenes with his niece and nephew...I was actively thinking, "Don't do anything bad...Don't do anything bad!"

    The actress who is playing Jackie is so familiar to me, but I IMDB'd her and didn't see anything I would have seen her in.  

    Robin Wright directed 35 and 38. 

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    I'm almost done. I have like 2 more episodes to go and then I'll be done.
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