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'Tis Wednesday

How goes it? 

Last night was a goooooood night! The head coach of my Eagles has been fired ( :::peace sign emoji:::: ). H and I went to the Devils game and they were losing, then tied it, then were losing, then tied it, and then WON! It was awesome. 

H and I decided for New Year's Eve we're going to our favorite sushi restaurant for an early-ish dinner then going to the movies to see The Hateful Eight. We'll get home around 9:30-10, hang around until the ball drops and probably go to bed at 12:01. I'm looking forward to it so much! 

Here's to hoping this work day flies by! 


Re: 'Tis Wednesday

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    That sounds like a fun NYE, @Swazzle!

    I have to pack up and move my working space to a different cubicle today.  *sigh*  Not looking forward to that... I'm comfy at my desk!!  

    H is off tomorrow and I have to work.  WAH.  My ILs are coming in town on Friday.  Besides that, not much exciting.  

    Oh, they took 9 vials of blood yesterday at my appointment.  Did they leave any for me?!?
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    @CocoBellaF geez that's a lot, how are you feeling?

    @swazzle how are there no memes for this yet!?  

    Last night we went out to dinner with my dad.  We went to Red Robin and it was packed with screaming kids.  My sister kept holding her belly and telling Emmy "You better not be like this." Other than that it was nice. When we got home, my bf and I made a list of everything we need to do to finish the house.  It is all little things, but we should be completely done with the interior of the house by mid-January.  Once winter is over we'll start on the exterior. 

    We still do not have plans for tomorrow, so we may just spend the whole night at my mom's. I'm off tomorrow and Friday.  I think we may be visiting my best friend so we can take my nieces to see the Christmas lights at the zoo before they close.  

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    minskat30minskat30 member
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2015
    @swazzle - Your NYE sounds great!  Honestly, a nice dinner and a movie is about as good as it gets on NYE.  I think I went out a handful of times and hated it each time...crowds, watered-down (and overpriced) drinks, bad apps, standing in heels and no thank you.

    @cocobellaf - Holy crap!  9!!  That seems like a lot to me but I feel  like my doctor is a lot more laissez-faire though than most.   I like her a lot, which is why I'm staying with her, but my tests got all screwed up because they got my birthday wrong.  They thought I turned 35 this year (I turned 34) so I was supposed to get the high-risk test early on in pregnancy that tests for pretty much everything.  She called to apologize when she realized the mix up but since then, I've really had to be on the staff to ask for the tests that I want (and am eligible for) but they keep forgetting I haven't had. By the way, are you finding out the gender eventually or are you guys going to be surprised?

    @speakeasy14 - What is still on your list to finish the house?

    I'm off today but still checking email because, well, it is sort of expected.  H had to go to work today but is off the rest of the week.  I made him breakfast, sent him off and took the dog out so now I'm going to have coffee and breakfast and then tackle the bathroom clean-up.  Everything has to be taken out of the bathroom for demo day this weekend.  I'm excited...our new tub is coming this weekend too, as is our new vanity.  H is in charge of ordering the shower and hasn't done that hopefully he does that today.  

    I'm taking before and after pictures this time for sure of our remodel.  Our bathroom is UGLY as sin so anything would be a vast improvement, honestly.  Its a 1940s gem with pink tile everywhere, a poopy-brown vanity with a blue sink and a blue tub.  Its so bad its laughable.    
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    @Swazzle Sounds like a fun NYE! Let me know how Hateful Eight is. BF downloaded it but I'm not a huge Tarantino fan so I'm not sure i'll like it.

    @CocoBellaF That sounds like a lot of blood! Good luck with the cubicle move.

    @Speakeasy14 Must feel good to be so close to being done. We have been talking about what we need to do at our house too. We are thinking of buying a new couch and we might re-do the whole living room so the plans are changing.

    I'm still feeling meh today. I stayed home from work with the stomach bug yesterday and I am only here today to get some stuff done before having tomorrow and Friday off. Tomorrow night we are going to my Aunt and Uncle's house. We are going to order food and just hang. We went out with them for NYE last year and had a ton of fun so it should be good this year too. I am bringing CAH so that's always a good time.
    friends tv show funy
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    @CocoBellaF - 9! That's a lot. I hope you got some yummy goodies afterwards. 

    @speakeasy14 - There have been some really good ones on Twitter but I can't access them on my work computer. I'm dying to hear something from Shady or DJacc. 

    @minskat30 - That's like us! We've only ever gone out one time. It cost almost $200 for the open bar which was useless because it was SO crowded that it took like 30 minutes to get a watered down drink. We ended up leaving and finding a dive bar to watch the ball drop and then it cost a billion dollars to get a cab home because they were in such high demand. It's just not fun to me. OMG I'm so excited (and jealous!) for your bathroom reno! Pics pics pics! 

    @caseface5 - Oh man, I LOVE Quentin Tarantino. I think he's a raging lunatic genius LOL. I haven't been feeling so great myself. Last night I went to bed shivering and couldn't get warm then woke up several times drenched in sweat. I wonder if I had a fever or something. I hope you feel better!

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    @minskat30 can't wait to see before and afters! I always want to take them and I forget lol. How is Raj doing?

    @Swazzle hope you feel better too!
    friends tv show funy
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    speakeasy14speakeasy14 member
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    edited December 2015
    @minskat30 Grout the backsplash. Cover all the electrical outlets.  Install 3 ceiling fans, and all the light fixtures.  Bring the washer and dryer over.  Get a cabinet with a hood to go over the stove. Install cabinet in bathroom.  Bring the rest of our dressers over.  Install rods and shelves into the closets. Replace base under kitchen sink. Then just clean up all the construction materials. Oh and we need furniture for the second bedroom (daybed and desk)
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    @caseface5 - Ugh, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well.  I hope it isn't a long-term bug. Hugs.  Raj is doing better lately.  He's grumpy as hell but he's always grumpy when I'm home and H isn't...he likes his sheep in one place, thank you very much, to guard them.  Seriously though, he's putting much more weight on the leg that was operated on...we are starting physical therapy with him next week...I'm pretty sure he is ready.  

    @swazzle - Yup, NYE at a hotel is so overrated.  I think you have to do it once just to understand how overrated it is.  If you ever come to Milwaukee, I have the perfect dive bar to take you to by the way.  Just saying.  ;)  I might take "before" reno pictures today if I get everything cleaned out of the bathroom.  I'm so embarrassed of our bathroom is hideous. On the positive side, anytime I get overwhelmed by reno choices, I just think "ANYTHING, anything at all, is better than THIS" and it makes all the stress go away.  
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    I can't wait to see your pictures, @minskat30 !!!!  It's going to look fabulous.  And yes, we're going to find out if we are having a boy or girl.  My doctor starts looking from 15-18 weeks, what!?!

    @Swazzle - Unfortunately, I had some apple juice and then mac and cheese for dinner.  No yummy goodies.  :(
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    minskat30minskat30 member
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    edited December 2015
    @speakeasy14 - That isn't too bad.  I know it sounds like a lot when you type it all out (which is why I don't make myself lists of our home projects...I'd cry).  We are hoping the bathroom gut (its really a main bathroom gut as well as a powder room bathroom gut) in two months.  Sounds like a lot of time but it is hard to do when you just have weekends and labor is coming from family.  What do you have to do with the exterior?
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    @CocoBellaF  why so much blood? Jeez

    @speakeasy14 for the sake of your sister, I hope baby isn't same also lol

    @minskat30 what a bathroom! What are your plans for redoing it?

    Ended up closing the office early yesterday because weather was awful. Blowing snow was really the brunt of it, but we got 20cm in total.

    So after eating my lunch, my stomach started feeling weird. Which was weird in itself because I had Campbell's chicken noodle soup ...
    Anyways, we had plans for a sushi dinner with people so I had some pepto and tried drinking water all afternoon.
    Got sick 2x at the restaurant, but finally everything came out and I was fine after. My guess is I had an odd bout of food poisoning. Running joke at the table was that I'm pregnant {I am not. We're not TTC and I'm on b.c - for reference}

    Ended up being a great night! It was mainly people Matt works with plus their spouse's {a few of them came to our wedding actually} Most of them had seen Star Wars so we all had different theories on certain people. I won't say because of a chance of spoilers.

    Did anyone hear about the Mark Salling child porn charge!? {'Puck' from Glee}
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    @CocoBellaF - If mac and cheese isn't a yummy goodie, I don't know what is! 

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    minskat30minskat30 member
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2015
    Holy cow @CocoBellaF - how many ultrasounds do you get then?  We've only had the one at week 8 and have to wait for 19-20 weeks for the second.  I post on The Bump sometimes in the due June 2016 birth month board and compared to others I really feel like my doctor is REALLY laid back with testing.  One girl posted a thread asking everyone what they are having already and I was all "WHAT? I'm due in early June and I don't know yet!!"  I'm also older than most of them so the fact that their doctors are doing all the tests under the sun is surprising to me sometimes.  I have a feeling they do them because now everyone wants to know everything right away (and has access to tons of information on the internet) but part of me (the cynical part obviously) wonders if racking up a larger bill has something to do with it too.  
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    @minskat30 I think our main bathroom took about 2 months to do, so not bad timing at all.  After a year of construction, that list isn't overwhelming at all haha.  I forget, what did you decide to do for the bathroom?   For the exterior we need to get gutters up, replace a few boards on the front porch, repaint the front porch and outside window frames, repaint the back deck.  I'm sure there is more, but those are the major things that need to be done.

    @misskittydanger glad you're feeling better
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    minskat30minskat30 member
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    edited December 2015
    @MissKittyDanger @speakeasy14 - We are gutting everything in the bathroom and starting from scratch.  It is a smaller space so we have to work with the layout we have in large part but we are moving the layout of the tub so it is under the bathroom window (and I'm getting a dream of a is 6 feet long and I cannot wait to swim in it).  We have room for a smaller double vanity so that is going in as well as a new small shower.  The color scheme is going to be cool (the floor tiles will be a cream white, lots of white wainscoting along the walls and along the base of the drop-in tub, the vanity is grey, and the shower will be tiled with a grey tile).  We might do a pop of a warmer cool color along the part of the wall that isn't wainscoted but we will see.  
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    @minskat30 - I am not sure how many U/S I get, but they are covered by my insurance.  I was offered some optional tests, but the only one I wanted was to test for CF and DS (that was part of yesterday).  So it could be that they are taking advantage of all the optional testing?  I don't know!!  I also think that when she starts checking for sex depends on when my appt is scheduled for that range of time.

    I need to start packing up my stuff, but it's so warm and toasty in front of my little box heater.  I don't wanna get up!!
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    @minskat30 that sounds pretty similar to what we did in out main bathroom. 6ft tub sounds amazing. If you're still looking, we got the tile from Home Depot (click).  We painted the walls a light blue because I wanted to feel like I was at the beach while relaxing in the tub. I like the grey, creams, whites, and blues for a relaxing atmosphere. 
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    labrolabro member
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    edited December 2015
    @CocoBellaF Wow that is REALLY early! Are they actually even able to tell for sure that soon? I feel like checking may lead to early errors....unless you have a baby like Callie who showed off her goodies to the whole world on that anatomy ultrasound and made it quite obvious that she was a girl and not a boy.

    @minskat30 I think if H and I ever do decide to TTC and have kids that I want a laid back doctor like you're describing. DNW to constantly go in, run tons of tests and generally freak myself out about everything unless I absolutely must. Those girls on your BMB sound a little bit BSC to be honest. Also good luck with the bathroom reno and PLEASE AW it! We have a lot of projects to do too. Reno our master bath, dig in french drains around the back of the house, finish sealing the crawl space, improve our insulation, fix old termite damage in the garage, re-build part of the deck.....the list goes on forever.

    @speakeasy14 See my list above. :) Maybe we can all do each other's houses?

    @Swazzle I hope the leadership change helps your Eagles next year!

    Yesterday was an ok day. I made a new recipe - Curried Butternut Squash, only 7 WW points per serving and it was super filling and delicious!!! I ended up making a ton extra so we have some for lunch and dinner today.

    Last night H wanted to talk about budget and retirement and money and I finally had to cut him off because it was 12:30 and I just wanted to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep. On the plus side, he made the move yesterday to also max out his 401k. It means we definitely need to be more serious about budgeting our take home pay every month and we probably need to sit down and think about what we want our big expenses to be for the year and how to best save up for them. Ugh.

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    @CocoBellaF Oh, I just noticed. We still have the Secret Santa Survey pinned to the top of the board. Maybe we should unpin it?

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    @CocoBellaF Um, how many vials?! jeepers. But mac and cheese with apple juice sounds like a good choice after all of that!

    @swazzle What a good idea to go to the movies on NYE. We still don't have plans for NYE but we have gone low key the last 4 years.

    @speakeasy14 I bet you can't wait until that list is done!

    @minskat30 Can't wait to see before and after pics of the bathroom!

    Good morning everyone! I'm drinking some hot coffee on the couch and watching married at first sight. This show is bananas.

    No plans for today besides cleaning and relaxing. My BFF might want to get dinner after she gets out of work, just waiting on her text back. I also should play with my new kindle fire and get things set up on there. I used to have an iPad, but it was school owned so I'm glad I have some sort of tablet for at home to play with. 
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    @labro haha you mean drink wine and watch everyone else do the renovations ;-)
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    @minskat30  that's going to be amazing when it's done! you better AW it with before/after shots ;)
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    Hi everyone!!

    @CocoBellaF omg I'd definitely have passed out if that much blood was taken from my body. You're a trooper!

    @swazzle congrats in the firing of the Eagles coach. My best friend's family is celebrating as well!

    @labro yay for fiscal responsibility! BF and I have actually talked about doing something similar to you and your H. He'll be the breadwinner so we will be able to use my income for saving and investing while living off of his. Thats how I want to save for a house, anyway. Retirement is a whole other thing I feel like I need to get the ball rolling with.

    I really miss the sunshine... I feel like I haven't seen it in a month.

    I'm still not sure exactly what I'm doing for NYE but I'm leaning towards staying in at this point. I feel very drained from the holidays and want to be a recluse lol. I'm probably going to spend the New Years Day and the rest of the weekend rearranging my room to get ready for my new puppy! I've got two months to get everything ready but want to do it now so I can get used to the setup. I'm not the neatest person so I have to "practice" lol.
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    @labro - I agree with you on a doctor that isn't too test happy.  I'm way too much of a researcher/worrier as it is so I'm glad she tells me to chill out all the time.  ;)  As to the budget talks, man, do I feel you.  H wants to discuss budgets ALL.THE.TIME.  I set up a weekly check-in meeting with him and limit him to an hour and a half each week otherwise I'll go crazy.  I also make him have an agenda for the meeting because I'm mean.  I'll re-iterate your funny post from yesterday...don't you feel sorry for our husbands?

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    labrolabro member
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    edited December 2015
    @untouchablets Let me tell yah, it isn't easy but we've really been able to pay off a ton of debt FAST this way. I can't wait for that time down the road when we'll have all this money freed up because our debt will be gone for good and our retirement savings will be secure.

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    @minskat30  I know it sounds crazy, but if you ever watch something like "Til Debt Do Us Part" you'll be happy you talk about finances. I will openly admit that I talk about the budget a lot {not hour and half meetings, typically off hand thoughts or "hey what about this" because I've taken charge} but that might be a personal flaw due to work. Does your H work in finances? That's my flaw lol
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    @MissKittyDanger - I've never seen that show but I do know its good that we discuss finances all the time.  The irony is H is a software architect and not involved in finances at all for work.  I, on the other hand, am a finance attorney.  I get so tired of dealing with company finances/balance sheets all day I don't want to do ours.  ;)
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