Knottie Tech Help

Why can't I upload photos?

I have been trying for 2 days to add a photo to the website. Have used 2 devices (Mac and PC) and 2 browsers (Mozilla and Chrome) and I keep getting the following error: "An unknown error has occurred. Please try again."

Very annoying.  How to fix?

Re: Why can't I upload photos?

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    KnotHollyKnotHolly admin
    First Comment First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2015
    Hi there,

    We are very sorry for the continued issues with uploading your photos. If your photos are not uploading to the site, then it is possible that the file is too large. Please make sure that your photos are between 1-3MB each when uploading to your website.

     We are also looking into making improvements to this feature so that it will be able to upload larger files. If your photos are the right size and still not uploading, please let me know so I can alert our tech team.

    Thank you!
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    Hi there,

    I am having similar issues, and my photos are well within the size parameters. Some photos will upload on safari, and some on chrome, and some won't upload on either. I've tried uploading from "my photos" on my macbook, making a new document folder/moving everything i want to upload and tried that way. Again, some photos would upload that way and others wouldn't. In addition, whenever I try to change the order it always rearranges them and won't save even though I get confirmation that the order was changed successfully. There are definitely some bugs that need to be worked out with the photo feature!
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    I am having the same issue as the ladies above. For the past month I have had no problem uploading photos to the various sections of my website. I finally shared the link to the website with all of my guests, and all of the sudden my photos are not displaying but have the broken file image. When I attempt to delete and reload the photos, I get the "An unknown error has occurred. Please try again." message.
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    I have confirmed that none of my guests are able to see even the cover photo of the website now.
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    I too cannot upload any photos (cover photo, photo albums) and mine are also well within the size parameters... help! 
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