Wedding Woes

Social media

I got rid of LinkedIn a year ago because reading what other people are doing professionally made me massively insecure. I still get requests and am considering a new account, but I already feel somewhat inadequate when it comes to my career.

 I'm also considering getting rid of Facebook. Too much clickbait, too much alarmism masquerading as news, too many perfectly good quotes ruined by a "Type yes if you agree," too much trolling, too many people who bitch about everything and do nothing, too many passive-aggressive posts. I'm at the point where I block people for being annoying. I'm just done. Right now, my only reason for keeping Facebook is for Messenger.

 I'm keeping Instagram and Pinterest, not to worry (even though the stupid chain memes are starting to sneak in there).

Any thoughts/advice?

Re: Social media

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    I'm pretty sure you can adjust what you see on fb. Some memes are funny {guilty} but the general fact of social media is annoying.

    However I keep looking at it as my bff doesn't live in the same city as me, social media keeps us informed of what's happening in each others lives. Plus she does Younique, so social media is more important to her.

    That being said, removing social media is a personal opinion. Maybe take a 'social media detox' and see how you feel? Basically remove yourself from majority - if not all - for a certain time length and go from there.
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    I'm on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. I've cut way, way back on FB over the last 7-8 months mainly because of election stuff. I also started unfollowing pretty much anyone I found annoying (you stay friends but their posts never come up in your feed). Made me feel better about who/what I was seeing. I also don't post much. Twitter is mainly work-related for me (and I let my students/other people follow me there but not on FB) and again I'm careful about who I follow. I really only use LinkedIn to find jobs. 
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    What @MissKittyDanger said. 

    A lot of people I know have limited their social media by removing FB/twitter/LinkedIn from their mobile devices and will only check them via a computer.  

    FB is the way my OOT family 'keeps up' with us.  My grandma and aunts and uncles are all on there.

    I have a LinkedIn account that I never use.  I prefer Instagram for photos and I enjoy the feed better because there's not as much bullshit for the most part.  I have no issue blocking content on FB that I am not interested in (either ads or people). 

    What's right for me may not be right for you, or anyone else.  :)  
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    6fsn6fsn member
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    I use LinkedIn solely to spy- potential candidates and clients and to look up info on other companies. 

    I ignore a lot on Facebook but it is an easy way to keep mil up to date without actually talking to her. 

    My my nieces and nephew are only in Instagram so I like to see what they're up to.

    i do Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter for work so I do monitor those accounts. 
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    @Ourwildkingdom I have taken a break from social media a couple of times in the past and I would go a few weeks, feel like I was missing out and then promptly regret it.  I looked up my posting history and it is a literal ghost town, maybe three posts in the past YEAR.  I have found it to be mostly annoying people and click bait. 

    I was having this discussion this morning about deleting the damn thing and being done with it.  I think I will pull the trigger tonight when I get home.  It has primarily been a source of annoyance/negativity, and I am at the point where I am only following about 20 people.  I also personally find it a waste of time as I regularly communicate with my friends/family anyway so for me, that is not an incentive to stay.

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    I have all three. I use LinkedIn and Twitter for professional purposes only.

    With regard to social media in general, I agree with you that there is too much political fulmination, "inspirational" posts, and other stuff that is making me lose interest. I seldom befriend people but I do take them out of my news feed if they make really hateful posts.
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    One of my friends temporarily shut down her FB account, but I *think* they allowed her to stay active on messenger, if you still want it for that. I agree the messenger is sometimes easier than group texting or emails. Every once in a while I'll delete the FB app from my phone, which makes me check it waaaay less often. One of my sisters made a FB account with a super fake name and had her security settings super private so no one could find her and she would just add who she wanted to keep in touch with (our family is pretty spread out).
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    as much as FB annoys me (basically the political posts and stuff you mentioned OWK), I find I go to it when I'm bored.  And I'm bored ALL. THE. TIME.  You could probably say I have an addiction to it ;(

    I dont have anything else though.  No linkedin, twitter (actually I do, but haven't logged in for ages) or instagram. 

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    I'm on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. I've never been on Facebook. I use LinkedIn for professional networking, but Twitter and Insta are just for personal. I also manage our dog's Twitter account. Our previous pup had a Twitter, which was just started as a joke, but then she actually got followers and I found it a hilarious way to look at things from a dog's perspective. But when she passed and we got our new pup, some of the people who followed our old pup asked us to continue the tradition with our new one. It's a little silly, but whatever. I've dealt with so much serious shit in my life that I view silly as being good for my soul. 
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    I can't let go of social media because I am in charge of it at my place of work, but I don't post much on my personal accounts anymore. I did what PP mentioned, unfollowing a lot of people that post that clickbait/political stuff I don't want to see so they don't show up and I don't post but once a month or so on my own. I tend to post more on Instagram because I can just throw up a nice picture, and share some of my day-to-day on snapchat. I do reblog a TON on tumblr, but I'm only on there when I'm bored/traveling. I have friends who have also uninstalled social media on their phones so their only options are on their computer and it cuts into that time a lot. 
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    OP, even if you're only job hunting internally right now, I'd strongly suggest using LinkedIn to have a nice profile. I've been with my organization for 12 years now and still look up colleagues if I'm meeting someone I haven't met yet. Actually saved my skin when I was interviewing for an internal promotion- I had no idea who a couple people were that were interviewing me because they're based in another location, so I scouted out their position and time with our organization and stuff. I think having a "professional presence" is very important. It doesn't mean you have to actually read the feed of what other people are sharing. 

    But yeah, definitely try a FB break! Like a PP, I also "unfollowed" a ton of people so I only look at them if I feel like looking at them. Only my closest friends and family show in my news feed, and the rest of my news feed is actually from official news sources. I took a complete break during Lent last year and found it quite refreshing.  

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    ei34ei34 member
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    I unfollowed some people on facebook after the election.  But I do like having fb and Instagram to scroll through when I'm bored, or to get ideas on places to take my kids when other mom friends tag where they are, to keep in touch with OOT family.  I'm not currently looking for a new job, so I just delete those linkedin emails I get.  And I love Pinterest :)  I'm not on anything else.

    OWK my best advice would just be ditto-ing others and taking a break from the sites that get under your skin.  Life can be tough enough without all of the noise social media can bring.
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    The election was the breaking point for me. I unfriended and hid so many people. I didn't want to become an echo chamber, but the ignorant, bigoted shit people were posting was bad for my sanity and blood pressure. I even hid my aunt (didn't unfriend her because I didn't want to deal with the family drama). Plus when I hide people I can still look at their train wrecks when I want to. lol. I also use FB to keep in contact with a lot of friends overseas, and I would be sad to lose that. I'm only friends on instagram with a few people, and I don't post much there.  I don't really use linkedin either because I don't want a certain individual to be able to easily look up where I work/go to school. I know you can pretty much find out that info anyways, but I'd like to make it more challenging at least. 

    I would take a break, and then when you feel up to it go on a mass purging. Delete people you straight can't stand, and hide others who you'd like to stay in contact with, but who you could  go without seeing every post. You can also influence your feed by selecting preferences on the posts that are too much for you.  

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    SP29SP29 member
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    I have LinkedIn for professional networking. I hardly use it though, I sign in maybe once every couple of months. I figure though it's good to have, as you never know.

    I keep FB and use it pretty often- mainly for pictures, specific groups (like my run group) and events. I don't post much, except for pictures. I try and scroll by the things that annoy me. I hate the click bait articles. Some of them are articles I would probably like, but as soon as the title reads, "You'll never guess what actually happened...." nope! I'm out.

    I used Pinterest for my own stuff. I like it for keeping track of ideas. Like I want to work on our garden in the new house, but I will probably wait until next spring for the big overhaul. Whenever I think of a plant I'd like or something similar, I'll pin a picture of it so I don't forget. I use it for meals as well. I like Pinterest though because you don't actually have to interact with anyone else, you pin what you like to your own boards and only follow what you like.

    I don't have anything else. And though I have the FB and Pinterest app on my phone, I don't keep them logged in, so I don't get the continual updates. I only use them if I'm alone at lunch at work or waiting somewhere like the doctor's office (unless there's a better magazine!).

    But it's a very personal decision. I have a few friends who got rid of Facebook entirely and don't use Twitter or Instagram and they haven't gone back.

    I spend too much time on the internet in general. Partially because I do go on to check Facebook, use youtube for music, and I also use my computer to watch TV, so it's easy to watch something and then starting clicking through my usual webpages (like here!).
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    levioosa said:

    The election was the breaking point for me. I unfriended and hid so many people. I didn't want to become an echo chamber, but the ignorant, bigoted shit people were posting was bad for my sanity and blood pressure. I even hid my aunt (didn't unfriend her because I didn't want to deal with the family drama). Plus when I hide people I can still look at their train wrecks when I want to. lol. I also use FB to keep in contact with a lot of friends overseas, and I would be sad to lose that. I'm only friends on instagram with a few people, and I don't post much there.  I don't really use linkedin either because I don't want a certain individual to be able to easily look up where I work/go to school. I know you can pretty much find out that info anyways, but I'd like to make it more challenging at least. 

    I would take a break, and then when you feel up to it go on a mass purging. Delete people you straight can't stand, and hide others who you'd like to stay in contact with, but who you could  go without seeing every post. You can also influence your feed by selecting preferences on the posts that are too much for you.  

    Seriously mass-purging is GREAT. I save it up for when I'm having a super crappy week at work or otherwise mad about something else. It's much easier to be ruthless then! You can also hide people (great for those people who might get upset if they're un-friended), or create groups if you don't want everyone to know all of your business.
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    LinkedIn, have an account, havent logged in for years.
    twitter, no
    tumbler, no
    reddit, no
    instagram, more so since I moved
    facebook, lurk rarely post
    TK, y'all know more about my day to day life than my mother.

    We are social media twins, lol.  Except I don't have an instagram account either.

    And TK definitely knows more about my day to day life than my mother.  Every once in awhile, even my H, lol.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    LinkedIn, have an account, havent logged in for years.
    twitter, no
    tumbler, no
    reddit, no
    instagram, more so since I moved
    facebook, lurk rarely post
    TK, y'all know more about my day to day life than my mother.

    We are social media twins, lol.  Except I don't have an instagram account either.

    And TK definitely knows more about my day to day life than my mother.  Every once in awhile, even my H, lol.

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    edited June 2017
    I'm all over social media.


    I do tend to unfollow/purge more often on twitter and facebook than anything else.
    FB it's people I don't really talk to. Not because I don't like them or disagree with what they post, my fb is pretty tame in comparison and I ignore a lot of stuff.

    I'm also on LinkedIn but I keep that strictly professional. I have friends on there but not many. More so to expand my network. Never know when you'll need something.

    And pinterest. I have a problem with that site.
    I told you, I'm all over social media lmao
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    I also think the "grass is always greener" thing is strong on social media and it's easy to be a little envious/jealous/whatever. I feel like that sometimes when I see friends taking lavish vacations to places I really want to go. It's not in our budget/financial plan now and logically I know it's better we build up our savings/pay down debt/pay off our PMI than take a vacation, but still. 
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    I also think the "grass is always greener" thing is strong on social media and it's easy to be a little envious/jealous/whatever. I feel like that sometimes when I see friends taking lavish vacations to places I really want to go. It's not in our budget/financial plan now and logically I know it's better we build up our savings/pay down debt/pay off our PMI than take a vacation, but still. 

    Or you know certain situations and see people posting things and it's like "uhm ... wtf? I thought you said your budget was tight?"
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    I have to agree with you on this! I can understand your sentiments about LinkedIn, and I'm sorry that you're feeling this way :neutral:. Personally, I couldn't agree more about Facebook! I find it so pointless and unnecessary. There's nothing wrong with deleting/deactivating it! I use mine just for messenger as well!
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    I also think the "grass is always greener" thing is strong on social media and it's easy to be a little envious/jealous/whatever. I feel like that sometimes when I see friends taking lavish vacations to places I really want to go. It's not in our budget/financial plan now and logically I know it's better we build up our savings/pay down debt/pay off our PMI than take a vacation, but still. 

    Or you know certain situations and see people posting things and it's like "uhm ... wtf? I thought you said your budget was tight?"

    Or, how many TK dramas have been started with the phrase, "I haven't talked to so-and-so in ages but she's all over FB doing blah-di-dah and won't respond to me." 

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    I also think the "grass is always greener" thing is strong on social media and it's easy to be a little envious/jealous/whatever. I feel like that sometimes when I see friends taking lavish vacations to places I really want to go. It's not in our budget/financial plan now and logically I know it's better we build up our savings/pay down debt/pay off our PMI than take a vacation, but still. 

    Or you know certain situations and see people posting things and it's like "uhm ... wtf? I thought you said your budget was tight?"

    Or, how many TK dramas have been started with the phrase, "I haven't talked to so-and-so in ages but she's all over FB doing blah-di-dah and won't respond to me." 

    Omg yes!
    I'll admit I've had that feeling recently. My friend didn't respond to a few texts, but I knew she was going thru stuff. She'd still post on instagram, so I knew she was at least still around.
    Took awhile, but she finally texted me back saying she was just avoiding everyone.
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    I also think the "grass is always greener" thing is strong on social media and it's easy to be a little envious/jealous/whatever. I feel like that sometimes when I see friends taking lavish vacations to places I really want to go. It's not in our budget/financial plan now and logically I know it's better we build up our savings/pay down debt/pay off our PMI than take a vacation, but still. 

    Or you know certain situations and see people posting things and it's like "uhm ... wtf? I thought you said your budget was tight?"

    This is so me.  I always have no money for stuff I don't want to do - but I have it for vacations and food! LOL

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    I also think the "grass is always greener" thing is strong on social media and it's easy to be a little envious/jealous/whatever. I feel like that sometimes when I see friends taking lavish vacations to places I really want to go. It's not in our budget/financial plan now and logically I know it's better we build up our savings/pay down debt/pay off our PMI than take a vacation, but still. 

    Or you know certain situations and see people posting things and it's like "uhm ... wtf? I thought you said your budget was tight?"

    This is so me.  I always have no money for stuff I don't want to do - but I have it for vacations and food! LOL


    Actually it's hard knowing situations on people then seeing posts on fb and you're silently trying not to judge because you know they can't afford it.
    I typically think mentally "you can't afford this. you are making bad decisions! stop before it gets worse!"

    This is a downside about my job though lol
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    I also think the "grass is always greener" thing is strong on social media and it's easy to be a little envious/jealous/whatever. I feel like that sometimes when I see friends taking lavish vacations to places I really want to go. It's not in our budget/financial plan now and logically I know it's better we build up our savings/pay down debt/pay off our PMI than take a vacation, but still. 

    Or you know certain situations and see people posting things and it's like "uhm ... wtf? I thought you said your budget was tight?"

    This is so me.  I always have no money for stuff I don't want to do - but I have it for vacations and food! LOL


    Actually it's hard knowing situations on people then seeing posts on fb and you're silently trying not to judge because you know they can't afford it.
    I typically think mentally "you can't afford this. you are making bad decisions! stop before it gets worse!"

    This is a downside about my job though lol

    Admittedly, I am super judgy about this.  Probably more than I should be.

    Y'all.  Hot button issue for me.  Rant ahead.

    Overall, I live pretty frugally and have for many years.  Not cheaply, but frugally.  So, if I can do that, other people can also.  I may not buy the "best value" car, at least not anymore.  But I drive my cars for as long as I can, until they die a natural death (ie are more expensive to repair than they're worth).  I don't need to have the latest iPhone or Samsung Galaxy. 

    In fact, even though I could afford them at this stage of the game, I've never owned a high end phone and nor would I ever buy one.  No judgment to people who like those and CAN afford them.  However, it seems like too many people need the "latest and greatest" and will buy that at the expense of much greater priorities.  Like rent.  And utilities.  Trips to a museum with their children.

    I'm not saying people who should be on a stricter budget should live on beans and rice, never go anywhere, have no luxuries.  But, at the same time, I'm so tired of seeing skewed priorities and "instant gratification" always taking the driver's seat.  And I've seen first hand, a lot of the ugliness.

    Here's a perfect example.  My worst tenants ever were always way behind on their rent.  Insert one tragedy/excuse after another.  They lived next door in my personal duplex.  Yet, magically, they could afford to eat McDonalds...for their family of FIVE...for almost every meal.  Almost every weeknight dinner.  Breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the weekend.   While the rent was my business, I felt it was overstepping my bounds to point out how wasteful they were with food spending and never said anything.  Plus I knew if I started talking, I'd probably say something like this, "Not only is preparing meals at home cheaper.  But for the love of God, your children are 6 and 9.  They need HEALTHY, NUTRITIOUS foods for most of their meals."  WAY not my business.  I know.  But it was disgusting and sad how neglectful they were with their children out of sheer laziness.  Not just the food, but their sons also desperately needed speech therapy.  Which they knew and it would have been free, they just "never got around to it".

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    @short+sassy  I get where you're coming from. I know things about people's budget - varying reasons, but mostly because I get asked for advise often - but then I see same person blowing their damn money and I'm just thinking "We just had a conversation about you trying to be more frugal or even spending less!"
    I typically bite my tongue, but I get it sometimes it's hard.
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