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Off for the "trifecta" of love...

Ok Ladies, I am flying out at 6am tomorrow morning for the vacation that may/may not lead to the proposal. As I have posted before- we are heading to the US for 1) rings, 2) permissions, and to 3) check out venues. Thankfully this will kick off with sand & sangria at the beach in Florida.On a side note- I met my goal weight today and bf will now have to preform the "oh-so-cliche-but-I-don't-care-because-nobody-puts-baby-in-a-corner" final dance in Dirty Dancing at some point during our future reception (last dance I am thinking). He also met his and I have to demonstrate my awesome "sprinkler" skills.So... wish me luck and tell me to breath (or... drink... heavily... which I may prefer). For the record- I am fairly certain we will not be getting engaged at the beach... but taking care of the practicalities. Sigh... aren't we romantic? ;)NB- I may not have used trifecta appropriately- although I do consider my bf a stallion. I just like the sound of it.

Re: Off for the "trifecta" of love...

  • edited December 2011
    well I hope you have a great trip back to the states even if it doesn't end in an engagement : )and congrats on meeting your weight goal and agreeing to do those dance at your reception is awesome!Good luck and have fun!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I want videos of the dancing.  Demand them actually.  Keep that in mind for when you get hitched. :)Have a fun time in the states!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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  • edited December 2011
    The lake and gazebo where Dirty Dancing was filmed is 20 minutes away from me! Have fun on your vacation and best of luck with the shopping.
  • edited December 2011
    Hey have fun! Oh and I'd do the dance earlier in the night so people are all sitting down.  Congrats on reaching your goal weight!
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  • edited December 2011
    I'm very jealous that you'll be enjoying sand and sun while I'm stuck here in stormy MN! Enjoy your trip & try not to think about the possibility of a proposal. 
  • saralinn1saralinn1 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    We want to do that dance for our first dance but I am not a great dancer so we will see. BF's mom passed away a few years ago and that was her favorite movie so we thought that it would be a fun way to include her in the day.
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