
"and Guest" on STDs?

(i'm cross-posting this from the invites board b/c i wanted to see what the chicago ladies think...sorry!)

We are getting ready to send out our save the date postcards (YAY!!!) and I am wondering what you ladies think about addressing them...

For those friends in relationships, we are addressing the STDs to both people.  A lot of friends are not even dating anyone, but we intend to invite them with a plus-one.  Should we address the postcard to Mr. Friend and Guest? 

I'm leaning toward just addressing it to the friend and then including the "and Guest" on the invite.


Re: "and Guest" on STDs?

  • edited December 2011
    I would address to the friend and not the "+ Guest" since that will be reserved for the inside envelope of the formal invitation. With STDs, I didn't write and family or any of the specific guest names since I know things can change by the time the wedding rolls around.

    Good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    Don't put and guest on the STD in case your budget changes and you need to cut down your numbers.
    Anniversary image
  • edited December 2011
    I didn't put and guest on the save the date envelopes, just the person's name. And then included the significant other's name, or "and guest" if they were single, on the invitations. 
  • netgrl22netgrl22 member
    edited December 2011
    I put "and guest" on my STDs but that was to let a lot of out of town friends know that they would be able to bring someone.  I know that if I'm invited to an out of town wedding without a guest I often do not make it if I do not know a ton of other guests attending. (it's harder without someone to travel and share costs with)  I wanted my out of town friends to have that information so that they could plan ahead financially if they thought they might be able to attend.
  • edited December 2011
    I would address it and Guest if they are out of town guests.  I know a lot of our out of towners bought airline tickets before they even received the invite.
  • edited December 2011
    thanks, ladies! 
  • jhwkgirljhwkgirl member
    edited December 2011
    And additional notes:

    I didn't give any of my friends that didn't have significant others an "and Guest" unless they wouldn't know anyone else there/were coming from out of town.  My core group all know each other and it would be like us all meeting at a bar.  I did tell them if they were dating someone by then I would add them.  This cut the numbers in half.  And only a couple of them got boyfriends in that timeframe.

    My mom was really on top of the return RSVP cards.  She put how many people we were expecting on their card so that they didn't invite anyone they weren't supposed to.  The card was already filled out with their name and "and Guest" or if we knew their guest's name in advance.  All they had to do was X attending or not.  She was expecting several people to invite their own, but when you have "1 person is reserved" at the top of the card, there is NO question if they can bring a date or not.  I only had one person ask if they could bring their girlfriend and that was because they had started dating after the save the dates went out.  The only thing I've had to do is hunt the "and Guest" people down to get their guest's name.  That's the only line I'd add.
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