

I just wanted to vent along with you personally!!  My FI grandmother threw a fit when she found out we weren't inviting my FI's cousin.  This guy won't even go to his own MOTHER'S surprise birthday party, and we are going to PAY to have this guy at our wedding?  I don't think so!  Just reading your post made me realize that I am going to have a struggle with that once I mail out invites in a week.  I hope this little speedbump doesn't make the rest of your planning stressful!  Just wanted to share that I going through a similar situation and was kind of glad that someone else was struggling with the same problem!!
imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: **ms.j's09bride**

  • edited December 2011
    Its getting really opld everyone is taking MY wedding decisions so personally! I use to think that show bridezillas was a little bit over-dramatic but now i realize why brides get so bitchy...everyone else is an idiot!!!! Im sure our weddings will be fine but I didnt think it will be so drama-filled!
  • edited December 2011
    Dont know why its italic...
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