New York-New York City

Qs about Marriage Bureau license & ceremony

We're going to get married at the city Marriage Bureau in Manhattan in 2 weeks.  I have a few questions that the city website doesn't answer, and I was hoping to find someone who knew more here.  I'll try to talk to someone actually in that office, too, but it's tough to get someone on the phone.

1.  How long did it take you to get your license?  (i.e., can you do this on a lunch hour, or is it like going to the DMV, and you basically need to pack a bag?)  And did doing the online portion first actually make it go faster?

2.  We're getting married on a Friday afternoon, and I imagine that's the most popular day of the week.  How many people are in line waiting to get hitched on a typical Friday afternoon?

3.  For the ceremony, do you need to come really early, to do paperwork and such such?

Re: Qs about Marriage Bureau license & ceremony

  • I got there pretty early and it took us about 40 mins.  It does help to do it online because then they just look up your confirmation number and have you double check the info instead of manually typing in all of the info. Once you get to the desk it takes about 5-10 mins.  I would imagine that maybe a lot of people try to go on their lunch hour so the earlier the better. 

    I can't answer your other questions.
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