Nevada-Las Vegas

Other boards...

So..I'm sitting here..clicking around on other boards to get ideas and what not..maybe see what I'm forgetting in the planning process..and HOLY CRAP!! Some of those boards are plain crazy mean! Half of the girls are already married and are tearing some of newly engaged or maybe "unseasoned" brides up... It took everything in me not to type a few strongly worded phrases! Thank Vegas board! You all rock with your kindness! ;)
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Re: Other boards...

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    Agreed, I stay away from the other boards!
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    nr2510nr2510 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    oh yea this weekend I read a discussion about vow renewals and they were flat out being completely rude to a person who said their opinion. After several people started bashing her opinion, one of them put something that was like "way to ruin the mood". I thought it was terrible.
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    yes i stick with 3 mainly this one tho. the other 2 are my month/ year and budget i find those 2 not as bad as some of the others.
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    it's funny you say that - I was just about to comment on another thread reacting to the rudeness and thought, why bother - these girls have little else to do and live for people calling them out so they can gang up and bully them. Most of the really mean people have like 8000+ posts - you have a lot of free time to spend that much time on the knot. Now when I read them, they simply validate that I like who I am as a person, and am happy I am not like them.

    I get such a kick when they are so incredibly rude and mean when telling people how "rude" their etiquette questions may be - pot, meet kettle
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    I brought this up a while back, too.  I can understand being annoyed sometimes when the answer to their question is in an identical thread to posts down, or in the sticky.  But I've still never understood the desire to be flat out mean sometimes.
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    Yes, this board is AMAZING! Especially ettiquette is soooooo harsh, I cringe just reading it. I posted a question once - and it was just a question, not a set timeline or anything, and they completely ripped me into pieces and pretty much told me I am a bad person for just asking a question! I stay here now, most of the time! Thanks to everybody for being so lovely and helpful!
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    I agree, this board is so helpful and nice. It seems like a lot of those other boards are so rude & get a kick out of being mean to new brides. Isn't the point of this whole thing for everyone to help each other out and give advice for people that dont know, not bash them? I'm so happy this board is a good one with good people!
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    I get the feeling a lot of those women probably don't have a lot of friends IRL, don't get out much, or must be unfulfilled in their life somehow to spend hours each day (or even at work... where you know, shouldn't they be working?) to rag on newbies.

    A girl that once chewed me out on snarky brides is having relationship problems/maybe getting divorced.  Not saying she deserved it, but at the same time I can't say I was shocked.
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    Love you ladies! I wish there was a like button on here ...Anyway.. Yeah I was looking on an invitation board and one lady flat out said "I hate your invitation" ..really? You suck.. Lol..
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    SD210SD210 member
    5 Love Its Name Dropper First Anniversary First Comment
    I hear ya, some of the other boards make me cringe.  Vegas board rocks!  I think we are all pretty open minded about respecting each other's choices, but we still give feedback and opinions (as opposed to harsh judgment).    
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    I was just thinking this yesterday!  I decided to lurk on the etiquette board and holy crap!  I'm surprised their relationships survived.  If I treated my FI with this much disrespect, we wouldn't be together anymore.  Some quotes from yesterday that I sent on gchat to my FI while reading.

    "You didn't do very well on the reading comprehension portion of standardized tests, did you."
    "Shutthefuck up, vice. Your reading comprehension failed, Eags corrected you, own it."

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    I did the same thing recently. NO THANK YOU. Lets all just sit here and continue to play nice.
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    jccswljccswl member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    I don't like that every situation is black or white, and that there's a mob response to these brides. I do feel that there is some brides that come in with a sense of entitlement and wanting affirmation to their rude behavior, and justify what they're doing to their guests isn't rude.
    The bridezillas come in and ask, "I want to wear an expensive dress, and I want my guests to bring us a gift, but I CAN'T AFFORD to feed them or host a reception. I want them to pay for their own dinner!" That type of thread is what the regular of the other boards love to reply.
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    i think i read that post where the bride expected the guests to pay for their own dinner.  so their wedding could be discounted. 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Other boards...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't like that every situation is black or white, and that there's a mob response to these brides. I do feel that there is some brides that come in with a sense of entitlement and wanting affirmation to their rude behavior, and justify what they're doing to their guests isn't rude. The bridezillas come in and ask, "I want to wear an expensive dress, and I want my guests to bring us a gift, but I CAN'T AFFORD to feed them or host a reception. I want them to pay for their own dinner!" That type of thread is what the regular of the other boards love to reply.
    Posted by jccswl[/QUOTE]

    I totally agree stuff like that needs to be called out, but there's a nicer way to do it instead of being like, "OMG RUDE TACKY BRIDEZILLA YOU ARE A HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING." which is pretty much what every post is like let's be real, lol.  When the OP gets those kinds of responses they tend to be like, "OMG what a bunch of rude biiitches! Why should I listen to them?" and then flounces off the boards to do whatever horriblly rude thing they were planning to.

    Also, sometimes other boards are quick to jump to conclusions that someone is not properly hosting their guests where the context is vague.  They get riled up, the clique comes along to berate the OP as well, and then... come to find out that wasn't the case.  Instead of offering apologies, they instead go to pick on the OP's grammar/vagueness/etc.

    Plus, c'mon... Stuff like the Friday who was the most annoying/ridiculous OP of the week posts on E?  Immature and silly.  Like being back in high school.

    I feel like that stuff belongs on TK post secret or whatever if you have to get it out that bad.
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    Haha, now a bride like that deserves some changes suggested - but I figure they are just trolling, i feel bad for the poor posters that ever suggest being disappointed for not getting a shower, or feeling sad that a MOH/BM isn't that excited - those poor girls get ROASTED - for the love of god, don't expect or hope for anything beyond sober attendance and wearing a dress!!
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    The Wedding Party board has some doozies too.  All the brides that come to gripe about their MOHs get railed on! 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Other boards...</a>:
    [QUOTE]The Wedding Party board has some doozies too.  All the brides that come to gripe about their MOHs get railed on! 
    Posted by starryeyed77[/QUOTE]

    I agree... I mean while I understand it's only a MOH's job to get the dress and stand up, it is a friend's job to be there for the bride (her friend).

    Obviously asking your MOH to listen to your wedding talk nonstop or make your DIY is too much, but I don't think it's wrong to ask a friend for a little support now and then.  Friends should put into the friendship as much as they expect to get back.
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