Florida-South Florida

How to DIY?! Need Help Please :(

Ok.. I really want to try and do some things myself instead of buying all sorts of little things online. But I have absolutely no clue where to start or how to even go about doing things myself.

I want to try and make the valet tags myself. I really like something like these...

And I also need to make some signs for a hookah table I'm going to have.

I'm planning on having a table set aside during the reception with about 5 or 6 different sized hookahs with different flavors. I want to make cute little signs in a small frame to place in front of the hookahs to tell people which flavor is which.  (Strawberry, Double Apple, Cherry, Grape, Fruit Cocktail, etc etc.)

Any other ideas on how I can decorate this table would be awesome!

Re: How to DIY?! Need Help Please :(

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    MariMac84MariMac84 member
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Ok.. yea.. seriously...

    I just got back from Michael's and I felt like a chicken with it's head cut off.
    Someone please help! What should I buy to do the valet tags? 

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    edited December 2011
    Well you can make these in word. And you'll just need to cut them into the shape you want.
    :: Lynette & PJ :: 1.22.11 :: For Sale ::
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    edited December 2011

    Buy some card stock which is thicker than regular paper. If you don't mind white, ivory, black or a plain color, then you can buy them in packs of 50 for like $5.  Sign up for their email list and you get coupons almost every week for 40% off too.

    Search for examples online and make one out of Word.  Print, cut, punch holes, add ribbon. 

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    PattyJosePattyJose member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Agree with pp. If you do want a metalic color or other specific colors, you should try http://papersandmore.com or http//:cardsandpockets.com. They sell great cardstock paper in larger quantities for good prices.

    You can by a simple paper cuter for $15-$20 in Michaels (make sure to take the coupons). Do a mock up on microsoft word, powerpoint or photshop and print a sample on a regular piece of paper to make sure its formatted the way you have in mind. Since they dont seem to be that big, you can probably fit anywhere from 2-4 on one sheet.

    With a hole puncher, punch a whole at the top and put the ribbon of your choice. Try it out in your own car to make sure it is the length you desire.

    PS. You can buy different types of hole punchers, since you have a diamond shape, you should try to get a hole puncher in the same shape.

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    MariMac84MariMac84 member
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Ok everyone. I just got back from Michael's again, and I'm fully loaded!

    Wish me luck!
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    edited December 2011
    gl! how did they turn out?
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