April 2013 Weddings

Big Send Off?

What are you doing for your send off? Rice, Flowers, Bubbles, Sparkler?

I'm not sure what to do about mine. Since the reception is at my house I am going to sleep in my own awesome bed that night before moving in with my FI. Should we leave for a while then come back so everyone gets their send off? We could have a quiet date while everyone left then come home. Could we skip the send off? But then it would be harder to get rid of people and someone might pout that they didn't get to throw things at me. Ugh. I have no idea on this one....

Re: Big Send Off?

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    You don't need to do a big send off, especially if you're not going anywhere right away. If you're worried about people staying around, I'm sure they'll get the message when the band leaves or you disconnect the iPod or whatever, chairs get stacked, tables cleared, etc.

    You could also print a kind of day's schedule with an end time on it (something simple like 4.30-5 ceremony, 5-6 cocktails, 6-7 dinner 7-10 dancing, 10 reception ends. Or however you have planned it) and have it posted, or on each table.

    We're not going anywhere after our reception either; it's at a hotel, which we're staying at, so we won't be doing a "send off". If people pout because they don't get to throw stuff at us, well, that's their problem...
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    We're not doing a send off. It's not necessary, since we're staying at the place we're having the wedding reception. And it would be kind of weird to have a grand exit in that case...

    We plan on doing rose petals after the ceremony as we walk down the aisle together, but that's it. We're going to finish out the reception with what friends and family are left and start the after-party in a house we rented.
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    We have to leave for our honeymoon at 6am the next day so it would be a waste to stay in a hotel for the few hours.
    Thanks. I've been trying to be good about not stepping on toes for this whole thing. Thanks for all the advice.
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    We are not doing a send off. We are just getting in the shuttles with our guests and going back to the hotel to party :)
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    RSVP Deadline: March 8
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    We are doing a sparkler send off and then jumping into a boat hopefully and having my dad drive us over to my parents' house so we can go meet the guests at a restaurant/bar down the lake and they'll all leave the venue.  This will also give me some time to change into another dress if I want to and leave my wedding dress at my parents' house to keep it safe. 

    If the boat thing doesn't work out, we'll just jump into my car or my dad will ask a friend to use their boat to drop us off at his house.

    Haven't completely ironed that one out but there will be sparklers and we will be leaving!  Our venue is my parents' rental house so I can understand your concern for getting everyone out on time :-)
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    We are doing a bubble send off, but very informal.  Most guests will probably leave before us anyway, but the bubbles were cute and doubled as a favor.
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    110 Invited! image | 65 Have their dancing shoes ready! image | 35 Don't wanna dance. image | 10 Must still be looking for their dancing shoes! image
    RSVP Deadline: February 28th
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    I don't think we are doing one either. We could at the church, but I'm not sure if I want to put the effort into it lol. We'll see- if I change my mind, I'm going to get some real rose petals and have people throw them when we walk down the steps into our car to leave for dinner!
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    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_april-2013-weddings_big-send-off?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20Club%20BoardsForum:820178d7-4f43-4671-bcab-c5c2c01eef1eDiscussion:24fa458b-a95c-42c0-bcc2-5128284c0ac8Post:25afa15a-5ac6-4e8d-b09f-77591b504cc1">Re: Big Send Off?</a>:
    [QUOTE]We are not doing a send off. We are just getting in the shuttles with our guests and going back to the hotel to party :)
    Posted by Christine9866[/QUOTE]

    This! I think my mom's going to get bubbles for us leaving the church but I don't think we're doing anything at the end of the reception except hurrying to the shuttles to get in jeans and get some drinks!
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    LOL - Von my Mom got ours for us - she said they were a "must have"  Ok!  If she is buyng them, that is fine!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    110 Invited! image | 65 Have their dancing shoes ready! image | 35 Don't wanna dance. image | 10 Must still be looking for their dancing shoes! image
    RSVP Deadline: February 28th
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    We're not planning any sort of send off.  I doubt we'll have more than 15-20 guests and since not everyone will want to blow bubbles, wave streamers, etc, why give myself one more thing to stress over?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    58 invited image | 17 love destination weddings image
    20 can't make it image | 21 don't know what to do with a RSVP card image
    RSVP Deadline: March 8th
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    We're doing something, it just hasn't been decided yet. I really want sparklers. I guess everyone has their priorities, some ppl it's food, other it's flowers, for me I'm looking forward to a few key moments: when FI sees me for the first time before I walk down the aisle, when we make our grand entrance into the reception, and the send-off. I think it'll make a great photo-op!

    What's funny is we get a complimentary bridal suite at our venue, but we're staying somewhere else b/c I don't want to be "sent off" to upstairs. 

    I've been to one wedding where they had no send-off at all and it was a little strange to me because there was no finality. We were just kind of looking around like "oh, is it time to go now?" 
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    You could always jump in the car and get your send off and then circle the block for 20 minutes and then come back to the hotel once everyone high tails it outta there ;-)
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    You know -- I actually thought about that! But there's this gorgeous hotel in downtown Austin that I've always wanted to stay in for my wedding night, so that's where we'll be headed. I'm not sure how yet. The getaway car (or whatever it will be) is the one thing that will be a surprise to me. I told FI I wanted to not have to deal with at least one aspect of the wedding!
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