Chit Chat

Invivations and Table Markers

My fiance and I are getting to the point in our planning where we are looking for invitations.  Both of our parents are part of our wedding and want both of them on our invivations, however we don't like the wording "At the marriage of our children."  Any other suggestions on invitation wording?

Also, we are HUGE Chicago Cubs fans and actually got engaged outside of Wrigley Field.  We want to have something Cubs as our table markers.  Anyone have any suggestions?


Re: Invivations and Table Markers

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    We changed our invitation wording because my dad hated the "marriage of their children" part - it's our wedding, so we're doing the inviting.  So here is our finalized wording:

    Together with their parents
    Bride's Parents and
    Groom's Parents
    Request the honor of your presence
    At their wedding celebration
    Ceremony Venue
    City, State

    As for the Table numbers, you could have a baseball related image superimposed behind the table number.
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    I love the wording!

    Thanks so much for your suggestions!
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    Name your tables after your favorite or most famous Cubs players!

    As for invite wording, I don't even know what to do for mine! 
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