Wedding Recap and Withdrawal

how did/do you do favors/candy table/ and escort cards? so confused

Ok so the menu we have 2 entrees the guests will choose from on their invites. The venue wants us to be able to identify the most selected entree somehow so the servers know what  food goes where. How do I do this? Each table is being named (not numbered).

We are doing (planning on doing) small mason jars full of honey for the guests as favors, so could that tag team as the escort "card", so should that be labeled with what table they are sitting at (with a card possibly colored pink or green attached for their type of entree.. like a pink card tells the cook chicken and pork meaning the color green?)  

So like maybe a board of somewhat up listing what table each person is at then they go to that table... and the jar of honey is there for where they are sitting? I just don't want to assign ppl seats :( I have heard a lot of drama stories over this and i was told its easier to just let them sit where they please ???

If I do that, I will somehow have to do a jar for every person... 300 jars of honey is too much for us... plus about 20 ish of them are under 11. So I really don't think my aunts/uncles wouldn't be too happy haha. So how in the heck do i do this lol

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Re: how did/do you do favors/candy table/ and escort cards? so confused

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    What we are doing is having each guest rsvp with their meal selection. We will then make up place cards for each guest. Guest who picked the beef will have a silver rhinestone on the card and guest who picked chicken will not have one at all. We will also provide the venue with a master list of people. For example, 5 people at table 5 want chicken and 3 want beef. So they have a good idea of how many plates to take to each table.

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    It sounds to me like you want to assign the table, but not the specific seat at that table, right? You could figure a way to do the honey for each family group, not individuals (like at the entrance, have the jars labeled with the couple's names or the family aka "John, Mary & Hannah Jacobs" and then at the bottom of that card have a sign (like a "2" in the bottom left for chicken and a "1" in the bottom right for beef so they know all the meals for that family group). The table name could just be listed under their names. Alphabetize the jars by last name on the table and you don't have to make a separate board or anything. this way the parents have control of the honey and kids don't get all sugared up without their knowledge. :) Hope that helps.
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      The easiest thing to do would be to give the cook a master list (as PP have said). That way the waiters know to take 5 plates of one entree and 3 of another to each table. From there have some sort of way for it to be figured out, such as color coordinated.
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