Wedding Woes


What was the initial cause of your trip to the hospital? BH contractions?

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Re: Barbie

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    i woke up yesterday with pelvic pain/pressure and was having contractions. i was assuming they were BH contractions (moreso lower abdomen),  started to get a headache while laying in bed, and was telling DK that Wolverine wasn't moving as much as normal (usually is going crazy in the am, but only feeling occasional kicks yesterday). i was assuming that i was getting worried about nothing, but we decided to call the dr. just to be safe. Dr. told me to come in and get checked out. my pressure was up some when i came in, so they decided to keep me and do the 24 hour test.

    The nurse said i'm a "fingertip" dilated, but not really effaced. they ruled out labor - could catch the contractions on monitor but they were short and not evenly spaced.

    Wolverine was headbutting me in the pelvic bone, which was causing at least some of the pain and pressure. - kid woke up at the hospital and started attacking the monitors.

    so long story short, typical symptoms, but the dr.said that he was really happy i came in because of the pressure. he's trying to rule out pre-e.
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    Good, I'm really glad you went to get checked out. I know the hospital sucks, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

    Getting checked for dilation is horrific. I'm not looking forward to my next appointment.
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