Wedding Etiquette Forum

Makeup & Hair Trial req'd for who?

So I am of the impression that the bride is the one who traditionally gets a make-up and hair trial.  So today I had my makeup and really like it.  I am talking to my FSIL and she says oh good I'm glad you like it but I am going to want a trial because my hair and makeup were terrible for the last wedding I was in so I want this to be perfect. And then of course the FMIL also chimes in that she'd want to do this also.  I say so what, its not your day!!  What do you think?? I really am an agreeable bride. but this just seems ridiculous, like I am not taking you to your trials, its hard enough scheduling my own appts.   Am I being ridiculous or has anyone else dealt with this? Please advise. 

Re: Makeup & Hair Trial req'd for who?

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    If they want to pay for their make-up and hair trial, I say let them.
    Updated 1/17/11 imageWedding Countdown Ticker
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    edited December 2010
    Why is it such a big deal? 

    I would have no problem with that. I think you sound kind of selfish. Just because you are getting married, nobody else can have a hair and makeup trial? I don't even get the correlation?

    Overall, I think it is a petty thing to get upset about.

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    Is it a little out of the ordinary?  Yeah, maybe, but I don't see the harm.  Do they expect you to go with them?  I could see that being a bit time consuming.  Either way - they're free to go and do it on their own time.
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    Maybe I am being selfish but I just think its excessive.  They don't live in the area so it would be something I would have to go to with them to since they aren't familiar with the area.  I guess I just think there is enough stuff for a bride and groom to take care of that this is one thing I didn't expect.  I've been in enough weddings that never once would I have asked to have trials, its not my day so whats it matter.  I think its really selfish of them to be honest.  Thanks for your help. 
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    It's weird (because it's not their wedding, so why would they care so much?), but just give them the name and number of the hair and MUA and let them take care of it on their own.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Makeup & Hair Trial req'd for who?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Maybe I am being selfish but I just think its excessive.  They don't live in the area so it would be something I would have to go to with them to since they aren't familiar with the area.  I guess I just think there is enough stuff for a bride and groom to take care of that this is one thing I didn't expect.  I've been in enough weddings that never once would I have asked to have trials, its not my day so whats it matter.  I think its really selfish of them to be honest.  Thanks for your help. 
    Posted by MeggyG20[/QUOTE]

    <div>Just give them the address and phone number for the salon and let them know that they are welcome to make an appointment at their convenience. They have mapquest. They're adults. They'll figure it out.</div>
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:9536661d-13c1-40b3-ac4d-846927978a46Post:726dd04d-dbc9-4aa7-b994-6c0bea5cb301">Re: Makeup & Hair Trial req'd for who?</a>:
    [QUOTE]It's weird (because it's not their wedding, so why would they care so much?), but just give them the name and number of the hair and MUA and let them take care of it on their own.
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    I agree. I also don't think it's that strange for someone to want to look good for an event where they will be standing in front of a crowd and having pictures taken.
    You don't have to be there so just give them the info and let them do what they want.
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    omg they might look better than you on your wedding day!!!


    seriously, they are adults, they can google map or gps the place and go by themselves.  its not their wedding but no one wants to look like an ass in pro pics
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    edited December 2010
    The bridal party is in a lot of pictures.  So I don't think it's weird if she was really unsatisfied with her last experience.  Also, does your SIL wear a lot of makeup?  If not, that could be a factor too.  I know I've seen bridal party trials on the menu of services of some MUA.  I guess it can't be that uncommon.

    I wouldn't stress it.  Just make it clear that you have no intention of going.  

    And to answer the title, trials aren't required for anyone, not even the bride.  I know a bride who didn't have a trial.  She just brought in pictures.  She was very used to wearing makeup and was able to communicate clearly about what she wanted on the day of the wedding.  
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Makeup & Hair Trial req'd for who?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Makeup & Hair Trial req'd for who? : I agree. I also don't think it's that strange for someone to want to look good for an event where they will be standing in front of a crowd and having pictures taken. You don't have to be there so just give them the info and let them do what they want.
    Posted by katiewhompus[/QUOTE]

    <div>I know what you mean. I wouldn't want to look like a fool standing in front of people. But I can't believe pro hair and makeup could be THAT bad. I get wanting a trial for your wedding day because you want to look exactly the way you want to look for your own wedding. But for someone else's wedding... eh, I'm already wearing a dress in a color I probably wouldn't normally pick out, so as long as I'm fairly comfortable and they're happy, whatever. </div>
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Makeup & Hair Trial req'd for who?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Maybe I am being selfish but I just think its excessive.  They don't live in the area so it would be something I would have to go to with them to since they aren't familiar with the area.  I guess I just think there is enough stuff for a bride and groom to take care of that this is one thing I didn't expect.  I've been in enough weddings that never once would I have asked to have trials, its not my day so whats it matter.  I think its really selfish of them to be honest.  Thanks for your help. 
    Posted by MeggyG20[/QUOTE]
    What makes it selfish of them is if they are demanding you take time out of your life to make the appointments and take them to their appointments.
    Just give them the phone number and address and tell them to go for it. If they tell you they need your help, simply say you're busy. Don't make an issue out of it by giving them a laundry list of things you have to do that are more important than this, it's better to keep it simple by saying, "Here is the phone number and address. Let me know how it turns out!" And smile. :)
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    My MOH wanted a trial on her hair.  The last wedding she was in she literally looked like an alien.  It was bad.  She also has the longest hair.  The trial will help us see how long it will take to do her style.  If they are paying for it, then they get to do what they want.  I didn't think the trial was that glamorous.  I just wanted to see time-wise and tweak the style. 
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    The last time I was in a wedding and had my hair and makeup done, I ended up looking like a whore.  My makeup was horrible but due to the time, we had no time to really do it over.  Quite a few people commented to my friend about my makeup, I was super self-conscious about it, and it was VERY noticeable in the pictures. I felt like I was ruining my friend's pictures!  I will definitely be going for a trial the next time I am in someone else's wedding and I'm not going to my regular salon.  I wouldn't require them to go with me, but I definitely would have a trial run.
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    Did they ask you to pay for these trials? If not, then no big deal!
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    I would just give them the contact info and tell them when your appointment is. If they want to go with you, they have to arrange their schedules around your current appointment, otherwise they just go on their own.
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    I think it's reasonable if they have the time & money for the trials, I have friends who get trials with new stylists before big events (like openings) that aren't as large as weddings.  
    You're still going to the the one in the white dress : )
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    You're over thinking this.

    Let them get their trials as long as they don't expect you to pay. What's the biggie?
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