Wedding Reception Forum

bridal party dance

I want to have our bridal party do a mixture of dances after our first dance. i have seen this done in lots of weddings and its  a great way to releive some tension at the reception and loosen people up. Where can i find music that is mixed already for our dance??

Re: bridal party dance

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    mbcdefgmbcdefg member
    5 Love Its First Comment Combo Breaker
    If you and your FI want to do this yourselves, great, but PLEASE don't ask your bridal party members to do it. I've had many friends who, as bridesmaids/groomsmen, were asked to do funny or silly dances at the wedding, and they all felt mortified and hated it. (They said yes to the bride/groom because they didn't want to be bad friends, but they talked about it behind their backs for months.)

    Save the silly dances for you and your FI.

    As to where to get the music, I would call your DJ and ask.
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    please don't. it's not cute or fun. it never was. 
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    This is truly a cringe-worthy idea.  It will make your WP cringe unless they are all professionally trained dancers who are comfortable performing a variety of dance styles.  It will make your guests cringe to watch people obviously uncomfortable having to do this.

    Just skip the WP dance.  I honestly haven't seen one in more than a decade.  There's a good reason for that.  WP dances are lame, boring, inconsiderate to your WP, and completely and totally unneccessary.

    Wouldn't your guests be happier if the dance floor was opened after your first dance instead of having to stand around pretending to enjoy yet another spotlight dance?
    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
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    I would do almost anything for friends, but I draw the line at silly dances. Especially silly dances while there are countless cameras, possibily a videographer, and I am wearing the same dress as a handful of other women.
    September 2011 November Siggy Challenge: First Dance Photo (I still haven't uploaded all of my wedding pictures, so here's a picture of what happens when you mix me, my bridesmaids, a man who hates to dance, and an open bar). imageimage

    101 in 1001
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    I would look on youtube for examples of videos and pick out the songs you like.  Find out if your DJ can make a mix for you.. if not.. maybe your computer has a program that can do this.

    Side Note:
    Whether or not your WP would go for this depends on their age and personalities.  My sister and her friends would love to do something like this.. but my friends would be mortified.

    Some of your friends will give you an honest opinion about whether they want to participate.. others will keep their mouths shut (but hate the whole thing).

    Also keep in mind.. people are busy and getting together to practice may be difficult and a strain on some of your friends.
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    I would seriously rather set myself on fire than do a choreographed dance at a wedding. Please don't make your WP do this.
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    No one has ever liked the wedding party dance in the history of ever.  Additionally, guests only want to watch you do anything other than the middle school two-step if you're actually, ya know, good at it.  I've seen a lot of really, really bad ballroom and modern dancing at weddings over the years.

    Unless your friends are professional dancers, just say no.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: bridal party dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: bridal party dance : If they're dancing with their own dates, fine.  If they're dancing with each other, no no no.  That's even more awkward to watch than people trying to remember the badly choreographed dance steps.
    Posted by aerinpegadrak[/QUOTE]

    Well, the WP has a few married pairs, but also a few brother/sister pairs. I thought it would be nice to have my sisters paired with my brothers. Still too awkward?
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    Eh.  I'd rather dance with my brother than a stranger (my sister did a WP dance, and thankfully I was partnered with my brother), but I'd rather dance with my husband than my brother. 
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:59e5efdb-488e-435a-a5e4-317b692c91e6Post:2c16c51d-a831-4a82-b060-3c269334b8b3">Re: bridal party dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: bridal party dance : Well, the WP has a few married pairs, but also a few brother/sister pairs. I thought it would be nice to have my sisters paired with my brothers. Still too awkward?
    Posted by Sagenhaft[/QUOTE]

    Yes. I would feel a little odd slow dancing with my brother.
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    There are a lot of things that happen at weddings that I would bet 90% of the guests don't give a crap about. Does anyone really care what your vows say? Or cake cutting? Seriously? You're cutting a cake, it's not exactly front-page news. But the bride and groom do things that are important to them. Yes, for the most part the comfort and conveniece of guests should be a major priority, but they can suffer through a 60 second dance at my wedding if it will make me happy. It's not the end of the world for them. I was asking for thoughts on organizing the dance, not a commentary on how bored my guests will be.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: bridal party dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]There are a lot of things that happen at weddings that I would bet 90% of the guests don't give a crap about. Does anyone really care what your vows say? Or cake cutting? Seriously? You're cutting a cake, it's not exactly front-page news. But the bride and groom do things that are important to them. Yes, for the most part the comfort and conveniece of guests should be a major priority, but they can suffer through a 60 second dance at my wedding if it will make me happy. It's not the end of the world for them. I was asking for thoughts on organizing the dance, not a commentary on how bored my guests will be.
    Posted by Sagenhaft[/QUOTE]

    How about how awful your friends will feel having to DO that dance??

    WP dances suck.  It's awful to watch but it's worse to BE in one of them.

    And quite frankly, if you're focused more on YOUR happiness at your reception than the happiness of your guests, you're missing the ENTIRE point of what a reception is in the first place.
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    megk8ozmegk8oz member
    First Comment
    In Response to <a href="">Re: bridal party dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]There are a lot of things that happen at weddings that I would bet 90% of the guests don't give a crap about. Does anyone really care what your vows say? Or cake cutting? Seriously? You're cutting a cake, it's not exactly front-page news. But the bride and groom do things that are important to them. Yes, for the most part the comfort and conveniece of guests should be a major priority, but they can suffer through a 60 second dance at my wedding if it will make me happy. It's not the end of the world for them. I was asking for thoughts on organizing the dance, not a commentary on how bored my guests will be.
    Posted by Sagenhaft[/QUOTE]

    First off, that's a really crappy attitude towards your guests ... but it's an even crappier one towards your BP (Who I might remind you, is supposed to be comprised of your nearest and dearest) if they aren't on board with this.

    Again, I was in a wedding where the bride demanded a BP dance. And I didn't want to do it. Neither did the other BP members. It was embarrassing and most of us really didn't know each other that well (And most of us where engaged/married/dating people that weren't in the BP and weren't to be included for this) And we all told her "No" for those reasons. She kept badgering us about it, and eventually realized 3 days before the wedding nobody was "caving" on the subject.

    Guess what? She's been married almost 3 years and doesn't  even remember why she wanted us to do a dance so badly or why she got so upset over everybody hating the idea (And she has since admitted that it was a bad one).

    But quite a few people in her BP still have a very strained relationship with her since her wedding, because that was only one of many things she decided "It's my day, it'll make me happy, so who cares if my BP can't afford it/doesn't want to do it/feels embarrassed or upset by it?".

    If you want people joining you on the dance floor during your first dance, let your BP dance with their dates. Or do what my other friends did and just invite <span style="font-weight:bold;">all</span> of your guests to join in. It's a wedding, not a cotillion, you don't need a bunch of color-coordinated people dancing around you just for a few photos that you most likely won't even put in the wedding album.

    If you fire a WP member, you're against America.

    "Meg cracks me up on the regular. Now she gets to do it in two different forums. Yay!!" ~mkrupar
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: bridal party dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: bridal party dance : First off, that's a really crappy attitude towards your guests ... but it's an even crappier one towards your BP (Who I might remind you, is supposed to be comprised of your nearest and dearest) if they aren't on board with this. Again, I was in a wedding where the bride demanded a BP dance. And I didn't want to do it. Neither did the other BP members. It was embarrassing and most of us really didn't know each other that well (And most of us where engaged/married/dating people that weren't in the BP and weren't to be included for this) And we all told her "No" for those reasons. She kept badgering us about it, and eventually realized 3 days before the wedding nobody was "caving" on the subject. Guess what? She's been married almost 3 years and doesn't  even remember why she wanted us to do a dance so badly or why she got so upset over everybody hating the idea (And she has since admitted that it was a bad one). But quite a few people in her BP still have a very strained relationship with her since her wedding, because that was only one of many things she decided "It's my day, it'll make me happy, so who cares if my BP can't afford it/doesn't want to do it/feels embarrassed or upset by it?". If you want people joining you on the dance floor during your first dance, let your BP dance with their dates. Or do what my other friends did and just invite all of your guests to join in. It's a wedding, not a cotillion, you don't need a bunch of color-coordinated people dancing around you just for a few photos that you most likely won't even put in the wedding album.
    Posted by megk8oz[/QUOTE]

    I never said the BP had a problem with it, they don't. They all think it's a fun idea that will take (literally) a minute. The ones who are bringing dates are dancing with their dates but the ones who arent (like my brother and sister) are dancing with each other. Some people obviously think this is weird, but we don't as I have danced with my brother on numerous occassions and neither my brother nor my sister care about it -- and believe me, my wedding party is made of the type of boisterous, talkative people who would let me know if they weren't comfortable with it. It's also not choreographed, it's just a short, slow dance. My point was that the wedding guests can deal with it for the minute it will take and then move on with their lives.
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    Personally, I didn't want anything at my wedding that my guests would have to "deal with."  A well-planned party shouldn't have anything that requires people to simply cope, because at that point, they're not having fun, and those will be the moments they remember long after they've forgotten about all the trimmings.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
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    *sigh* it's so sad when people shoot down other people's ideas that have NOTHING to do with their own wedding. Really...honestly ONE person half assed answered the OP's question. The rest felt the need to crap talk her idea which by the way...lots of brides have. I have been to weddings where there was a dance and they were HILARIOUS and everyone enjoyed them. I plan to do one at my own in 9 days because that's our personality. I gave my BP the option and not all of them are involved because not all of them want to be but those who do put a lot of effort in because they know I would do anything for them. It's not the OP's problem if the haters on this thread have fuddy duddy friends and family who won't sit and watch a fun dance that shows the personality of the bride and groom...that's your problem. People don't crap talk your ideas that we think is stupid, do we?

    My fiance and I don't slow dance and he is 16 inches taller than me so it looks STUPID when we do. We love to dance and so do our friends and we have a sense of humor to we chose to make up a funny dance with the help and input of our friends and it's going to be absolutely unforgettable for our guests. If you want to prom dance to some overplayed song then do it but don't bag on things other people want to do for THEIR wedding.

    To answer your question Casey...if your DJ doesn't have any suggestions for where to get already mixed music you will have to mix it yourself. My fiance is a sound engineer so he mixed ours in pro tools...i wouldn't suggest buying Protools to make the song but there are some cheap programs out there. Plus, if you make it yourself you can put whatever songs you want in and it will be more personalized! :) Good luck with your dance and I hope everything goes well for you!!! :)
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    "*sigh* it's so sad when people shoot down other people's ideas that have NOTHING to do with their own wedding. Really...honestly ONE person half assed answered the OP's question. The rest felt the need to crap talk her idea which by the way...lots of brides have. I have been to weddings where there was a dance and they were HILARIOUS and everyone enjoyed them. I plan to do one at my own in 9 days because that's our personality. I gave my BP the option and not all of them are involved because not all of them want to be but those who do put a lot of effort in because they know I would do anything for them. It's not the OP's problem if the haters on this thread have fuddy duddy friends and family who won't sit and watch a fun dance that shows the personality of the bride and groom...that's your problem. People don't crap talk your ideas that we think is stupid, do we?"

    -Well said. :) Do what you want...some will love it, some won't. It just might be your best memory of the day!
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