Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

jr. bridesmaid???

I have 5 bridesmaids, 1 jr. bridesmaid, and 5 groomsmen.  One groomsmen is already walking my mother down the isle, so that knocks down one.  I was thinking of having the first 3 groomsmen walk down the aisle with  3 of my bridesmaids, and then the remaining 2 bms can walk down with the one groomsmen leftover.  What about the jr. bridesmaid??? are they supposed to walk with a groomsmen?? she's only 15.  Would it be weird if she walked alone??? 
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Re: jr. bridesmaid???

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    She can walk alone. She can walk with someone.  It really doesn't matter at all.

    Of course, the GM escorting your mom can also come back after your mom is seated and escort a BM.

    You also know that a 15 year old doesn't have to be called a Jr. BM, don't you?  She's doing exactly what the other BMs are doing:  wearing the attire, walking down the aisle, standing respectfully for the ceremony, and smiling for the pictures.

    She's a BM.  I have to say that most 15 year olds I know would be pretty embarrassed to tell people that they were a :"junior" anything.
    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
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    A junior bridesmaid is the exact same thing as an adult bridesmaid. The only difference is that some people choose to tack on the meaningless "junior" title.

    She can walk with a groomsman if you want. One groomsman can escort her and another bridesmaid, one on each arm. It's a 30-second walk, not a date or a sexual romp, so it doesn't matter that she's 15.

    It's also O.K. if she walks alone.

    Talk to her and see what she wants to do.
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    my daughter is being what is called a Jr. Bridesmaid in my wedding. She is 11yrs old. Instead of having her walk by herself we have my MOH's son who is 2 years older then her be a groomsman, So she doesn't have to walk down the isle by herself
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    Our "Junior" BM is walking down with our FG. They are cousins. Our Junior BM is staying standing up while our FG sits down. We are also have a "Junior" Groomsman. And we are having him walk down with the ring bearer. Our "Juinior" groomsman will be stay standing while our RB will sit down. This is to make it a little easier for both the Juniors & the FG & RB in case they get shy. Our Junior BM is 14 and our Junior GM is 12 our FG is 6 and our RB is 4.
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    i was one of my aunt's bridesmaids when i was 14. i don't remember how the groomsmen entered (might have escorted mothers/grandmothers, might have just entered in a line). we entered in pairs of bridesmaids (paired based on height) with the maid and then matron of honor following individually. i thought it was very nice and they pictures are great! also i was in a wedding last fall and there was an extra groomsman had a bridesmaid on each side and it worked out great.
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    I was a Jr BM for my aunts wedding when i was 12ish.. I believe I walked with a GM. Like pp it's a 30 second walk no one is going to care if a 15yr is walking with a 20/30 ish man..

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    I was a JBM for my sister's wedding when I was 14 (and yes, trix, it was kind of embarrassing and I was a little annoyed with my sister, but eh bien), and my 11 year old sister and nine-year-old brother were a JBM and JGM respectively.  They had my sister and I walk on either side of our brother.

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