Awhile ago some of us were talking about hair removal and I mentioned that I was getting my first brazilian soon and there was interest in hearing about the experience, so here it is:
A little background: I've shaved EVERYTHING down there since I was 14. I'm not sure if this is the norm in most areas but it's definitely what's accepted here and I only have one friend that doesn't do the same. The salon I chose told me not to shave for two weeks prior to the wax. This was rough since I think the longest I've gone before this has been about 4 days when I've been sick or something. It sucked to be itchy in that area because obviously you can't run around scratching it at work or anything. I also was just grossed out everytime I peed or looked down in the shower and worst of all, we decided not to have sex until the wax. I had originally mentioned it to FI that it would be 2 weeks and he made a little comment that I didn't like so the first few days I was just mad about that, and then by the time I got desperate it was just a disaster area down there, so no dice. Unless I end up with crazy side-effects, the no shaving and no sex has definitely been the worst part of the experience.
The wax was this morning at 9:45, I took one Advil about an hour before going. The woman was great at putting me at ease, she said once you've seen as many vajays as her they all start to look the same. She did it really really quick and said she likes to do them faster because who wants to drag out all that pain? The top area was DEFINITELY more painful than in between the legs, and to my great surprise, the anus area was the easiet of all! I thought it would be so weird to have her doing that but it went too quickly for me to really think about it all that much, and then it was over! The entire thing from pants off to pants back on took about 10 minutes.
She told me that the hair will grow in finer as I continue to get it done and that the wax should last about 4 weeks. She said to then let it grow for about 2 weeks and come back in - which conveniently puts me right at the week of my wedding! I'm pretty red right now and it is sore and bumpy, but my best friend (who went to the same place) told me that it's because she does it so fast. She went to a different place that took an hour for her second one and she didn't get red and bumpy, so I'm going to try that place for my next one.
I think I've covered everything, but if you're thinking about doing this and have any questions, please ask! I think I asked my best friend a zillion questions before I did mine (except where she got it done, which is funny that I chose the same place as her for my first one anyway).

June 2012 Siggy: Favorite Engagement Picture!