Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Mother giving away son

My fiancee is the eldest of two sons of my future MIL. He is the first to get married and she wants to be as involved as possible because she doesn't have any daughters. She asked today if she could give her son away at the wedding. We were not planning on it, but I know it would mean a lot to her.

Is this something anyone has seen done before? At the time of the "giving away," the preacher would be the only one up there with my father giving me away at the end. Any thoughts?

Re: Mother giving away son

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    You can just have your FI escort his mother up the aisle to her seat before the wedding starts, then he would go up next to the officiant.
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    Um...I don't think I've ever seen that but I would suggest him walking her down the aisle and/or a mother/son dance.

    We gave a 'gift' (rose) to each other's parents during the ceremony as a thank you.  I have also seen the officiant have the bride & groom give a 'last kiss' to the person who gave them their 'first kiss' (mothers).
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    I think her giving him away would be a little odd, but he can certainly escort her down the aisle before taking his place at the alter.
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    I've seen a variation of this at Jewish weddings, but both parents escort the groom down the aisle, for christian services I've never seen it. But I think PP's have brought up some nice compromises - he could escort her to her seat, and/or they can have their mother/son dance.
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    I'd say you might find what you need if you research Jewish weddings.  Since the tradition is for both parents to escort each of their children, there must be some variations on the theme in the case a father is no longer around.

    Good luck!
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