Second Weddings

Question for all of you

Hi ladies, you may remember me.  I've lingered in and out of this board for a few months now.  I haven't been on here much lately due to a hectic life and schedule, but things seemed to be slowing down for me now, and hopefully I'll be able to go back to my wedding obsession.  With that said, I wanted to ask some of you a question. 

I love reading all of the wedding blogs ie: Rocknrollbride, offbeatbride, ruffledblog, and I've discovered something.  Not many of these feature wedding from brides or grooms that planned a second or third wedding.  I know I would appreciate reading and seeing pictures of these.  So I wondered if any of you would be interested in being featured on such a blog if I were to start one? I would show pictures and a short article about the wedding. And for those of you have already had your weddings, I would be really interested in possibly featuring you first. 

Yes I am.....Living the Dream

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