October 2012 Weddings

Engagement pictures in 17 hrs and no idea what to wear

So our engagement pictures are tomorrw at 5. Kinda found out/decided last minute. We wanted the pictures in he snow if we could and had resolved ourselves to the fact we weren't going to get another snow storm this year....until we got like 7" Friday. I'm having a minor freakout. Nothing in particular other thanII'm not sure what to wear because I'm sure ill just be wearing my coat most of the time (wish I knewmore ahead of time....would've taken it to cleaner to get id of some of the pet fur) and that wish I had cuter gloves/hat type stuff and that our sleds are all up north at the cottage in traverse city, would've made for some awesome pics.
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Re: Engagement pictures in 17 hrs and no idea what to wear

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    Can you use a lint roller or tape to take the fur off your coat? and head to Walmart or somewhere to get gloves.  I would wear a dark color sweater to stand against all the white snow.
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    I agree...go grab some cheap gloves and a scarf. It'll be cute!
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    Use colourful accessories and maybe do an outfit change for a few photos where you're not wearing a coat, just a cute sweater (just a few so you don't get too cold). And don't worry about the pet hair too much - get off what you can and have the photographer edit out the rest. Have fun!
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    Thanks so much everyone. I was freaking out unnecessarily, it was good. I wore what I was comfortable in and was "me", a gray vneck, jeans and my peacoat.  I did use a lint roller, which was also fine. When Ive lint rolled it in the past, it just never seems to get all those tiny hairs, it took me forever, but I got it done.
    Thanks again, Ill post a few pics when I get them.
    my_wedding_original Wedding Countdown Ticker
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