
wedding officiant

Hi, everyone,

My name is Tammy, and I've been a lurker for...a long time.  Thank you for all of the information that you've provided.  (^_^)  I've really enjoyed looking at all of your pictures and reading about your great ideas.

Anyway, my fiance, Sho, and I will be getting married in August on Maui, and I'm kind of in crunch mode.  I've gotten a lot of the bigger things finished, but right now I'm trying to get our officiant and transportation.  (I know...some of you must be like, "Um, you don't have an officiant?"  My mom's pastor has offered to do our ceremony, but I'd like to have one of our close bilingual friends perform our ceremony.  I've been searching the web but haven't found much info on how to get him whatever paperwork he needs to perform our wedding legally.  Has anyone done this before?

I was also wondering if any of you rented limos or buses on Maui for your wedding party and how much you spent.

Thank you for your help.  If you want to check out our blog, here it is:  tammyandsho.blogspot.com.  I still have a lot more to post up on our blog, but you can enjoy some pictures of Osaka, Japan.

Re: wedding officiant

  • lindskalindska member
    edited December 2011
    Hi Tammy, konnichiwa! It is so funny that so many of us share the Japan connection! How great, and congrats! Here is the link that my brother followed to get all registered and legal and stuff.  My brother is an ordained pastor, so he's in a slightly different situation, but at least it is a starting point for you and your friend!  Someone else might have more specific information for you! Hope this helps! 


    lindsay and kaata - june 21, 2010 - lani phase II my planning bio
  • edited December 2011
    Welcome! I love it when lurkers come out of the closet!
  • edited December 2011
    I can't help you but I want to say welcome to the board!  Your invites look awesome.
    Ally & Mar | 08.09.10 | The Coconut Club, Oahu
    Planning Bio-updated 06/07 | Married Bio & For SALE items

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Welcome to the board!

    My brother officiated our wedding. He's not ordained, so he had to jump through a few hoops. In Hawaii, you need to be ordained and have a letter from your church.

    This website gets you ordained and provides a letter, but you need to get the complete package not the basic:

    No help with transportation on Maui, but best of luck.
  • edited December 2011
    Lindsay--Konnichiwa  to you, too! (^_-)v  I really like your guys' passport picture.  Thanks for the link.  That's the same one I looked up a while ago, but I wanted to know if someone who is not a pastor/priest could still officiate.  I wrote to the Hawaii DOH...and they sent me the same link...lol. (-_-)

    Alyson--Yeah, first time in my life I felt like a stalker...always looking at this page and never saying anything.  By the way, I liked your story about your new neighbor.  When I was on JET living in the countryside (of Shimane), one of my students lived in the house across the river from me...and he did something similar to what your neighbor did, so I had to tell the junior high JTE.  Talk about uncomfortable...the JTE was like, "Umm, I'll talk to him..." (*_*)

    Ally--Thanks (^_^)  It took sooo long to finish them, but I was pretty happy with how they turned out, too.

    Kellie--Thank you so much!  I'm going to check out the site right after this.  I have the same problem because our friend is not ordained, either.  By the way, your planning bio is awesome.  (^_^)

  • edited December 2011
    A second thanks to Kellie!  My fiancee and I have just started planning our wedding and want our friend to perform the ceremony but have been having trouble finding info on how to get him certified, this is awesome! :)
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