Getting in Shape

Please share you best tip/advice about weight loss. (Just for fun)

Just for fun:

What is the piece of advice, tip, motivational saying, or method that you think is the best you've ever heard or have come up with?

My advice:  Things are only failures if you let it keep you from your goals.  Use them as learning experiences to make yourself even more of a success.

Also:  They aren't kidding when they say water is the key.

Re: Please share you best tip/advice about weight loss. (Just for fun)

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    "Don't let your mind give out before your legs do."

    "No matter how slow you go you are still lapping everyone on the couch"

    "Impossible is nothing"

    "Suck it up and one day you won't have to suck it in"

    What works for me is tracking what I eat/drink.  I use for that.  It keeps me honest.  I *try* not to get down on myself when the results don't happen as quickly as I'd like and keep pushing myself.  I work out 5x/week and drink at least 2 liters of water everyday.  I like to switch up my workout routine a lot as well so I don't get bored.

    "You wore a tit dress at an AIDS party??? You need to go to the whore corner with Mara " - Blue
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    LDYGTR13LDYGTR13 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I think it's all about a lifestyle change and paying attention! I started using and it's really been a huge key to my (15 lb +) weight loss. While I realize it's not too much scale wise, you can tell in my pics! Check out my blog for those. I didn't realize how many calories were in the things I was eating; as soon as I learned that my food intake was out of control, that's when I think I made the biggest part of the change. I needed outside motivation. Without the girls here on TK, I guarantee that I'd still be 220 lbs. Knowing there were people rooting for me made a huge difference before my clothes started fitting better and people IRL took nOtice. Now that people IRL are noticing it happen, it just keeps me going! Don't hesitate to ask for help! Learn to love spray butter :-) Make yourself eat one more healthy meal each week. If anyone wants someone to cheer them on or whatever, I'll gladly provide my cheerleading services! I'm rarely on this board, but you can ALWAYS find me on E! Oh and trust me, you can do it :-)
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    I don't know how much this applies to weight loss, but my mantra toward the end of a race is "just keep going, just keep going, just keep going." It helps me to remember that every step gets me closer, even if it feels terrible! I don't know that it's very clever or inspiring but it gets the job done for me. I just have to keep going and eventually I will get there.

    Also, at the beginning of the race, I tend to tell myself "Don't think, just run!" I find I tend to overthink things, and then I run the risk of psyching myself out. There have been times when I am running along, and things are going fine, but I find myself preparing excuses for myself just in case things fall apart later. It's almost like I am finding excuses for a failure that hasn't happened yet--which makes it easier to give up later when I am feeling tired because I have the excuses ready and waiting.

    Anyway, my point: sometimes it better to turn your brain off and just do what you need to do, if that makes sense. Don't think about it, just do it.

    As far as food is concerned: well, "food is not the enemy" is something that I think to myself a lot. You need to eat it to survive--so you better make peace with it!
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    Like you said: Water!
    Especially for someone like me who exists on coffee and Diet Coke. If I substituted those drinks with water and made sure to drink the recommended amount of water daily, I bet I would be much further ahead on my weight loss.
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    The scale is just a number, what matters is how things fit.

    Seriously, I don't even own a scale. I know myself enough that I'd become obsessive over it, and I don't want that ever again.
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    Don't completely deprive yourself.  Seriously--if your "diet" doesn't allow you to eat the things you love, in moderation, you're doin' it wrong, and you're setting yourself up for failure. 

    LIFESTYLE CHANGE.  Not a diet.  You shouldn't be dieting.  You should be eating a diet that is healthy and sustainable for life.  If not, you're doin' it wrong, and you're setting yourself up for failure. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Please share you best tip/advice about weight loss. (Just for fun)</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Please share you best tip/advice about weight loss. (Just for fun) :  Lastly, everyone makes "mistakes" or has a slip up.  Don't let it defeat you.  Ok, so you had too many cookies today at lunch, that doesn't mean you can throw away dinner too and have a free for all.  Pick your self back up, and get right back on the horse.  Learn from your slip-up.
    Posted by raynes[/QUOTE]

    It also doesn't mean you should skip dinner and go to bed starving.  (I know you weren't at all suggesting that, Raynes!  I just wanted to emphasize.)  Eat normally after that.   5 cookies do not equal undoing all your progress, and there's no need to "make up for it."  Just do better next time.

    3500 extra calories to a pound.  Good luck ruining all your progress with ONE meal, or even one day.  You gained 3 lbs after Thanksgiving?  It's bloat.  You did not consume an extra 10,500 calories at Thanksgiving dinner unless you're Michael Phelps. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    I am sure some of these have been said already but they probably bear repeating

    - You can be 'thin' and be out of shape and you can be overweight and lead a healthy life. 

    - It is about priorities - what is important to you? Your job? Your social life? Your family? Your health? Your TV shows? We all set priorities in terms of what is important and then we use those priorities to decide how we spend our time.

    - You have to move more. This doesn't mean you have to lift weights or that you have to run or that you have to do yoga. I do all those things and none of that really matters. What matters is that I need to be ACTIVE. Sit less, move more. Once you are moving more, move more purposely.

    - You have to eat better, no necessarily less. You could eat 1000 calories in a day of just cupckaes and you would probably have enough calories (barely) to survive. But it won't make you healthy. Eat whole foods, less packaged, more colour, less processed

    - Eat healthy portions.  Dont undereat or overeat. Figure out what you need to eat to be healthy, whether that is whilst losing weight or maintaining weight, and then eat in moderation.

    - Drink lots of WATER.  Remember that caffinated beverages draw water out of you so if you drink lots of caffeine you need to drink even more water.

    - SLEEP.  Again, priorities. Yes, you have lots to do. If you don't sleep you will do all of it poorly - including eating and exercising. 

    - Remember that it takes time. You can't lose weight quickly. If you do, it isn't healthy and it won't stay off. 

    - Remember that you are beautiful regardless of your size. Who you are on the inside - as a human being is what matter most. There are a lot of skinny bitches out there and while they might be skinny, they are still bitches. Don't aspire to that. Aspire to be the best 'you' you can be.  And that can't be defined by a number on a scale or on the inseam of your clothes. Lead a life that would make your daughter proud - imagine that she were watching everything you did and think about what it would be teaching her about what it means to be a smart, loving, beautiful woman. 

    :) That's it.  Easy, huh?
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    "a moment on the lips, forever on the hips"

    That was one of the things my grandmother said to me when I was a kid and it's sort of stuck with me my whole life. I try to keep this in mind when I'm about to have a binge eating episode and remind myself that it might taste good but I don't need to eat an overabundance of it.

    I also love, it has helped me to keep my eating in check by a long shot! It's really easy to assume you're eating okay but actually tracking all of your food intake makes a HUGE difference.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Please share you best tip/advice about weight loss. (Just for fun)</a>:
    [QUOTE] LIFESTYLE CHANGE.  Not a diet.  You shouldn't be dieting .  You should be eating a diet that is healthy and sustainable for life.  If not, you're doin' it wrong, and you're setting yourself up for failure. 
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    All of this, a million times over.

    My advice?  Find exercise that you LOVE to do.  It shouldn't be a chore, it should be fun, and you should want to do it.

    But, if ever there is a day when you really don't feel like exercising, tell youself that you can stop after 15 minutes, but that you HAVE to complete those 15 minutes.  Chances are once you get going you won't want to stop.

    Food/intake wise, find out what works for you.  Everyone is different and what works really well for me might be torture for you.  Experiment with different eating regimes (6 smalls meals a day sounds awful?  Go for 2 or 3 big ones then) and find your groove.

    Realize that true, sustainable weight loss takes time, and that maintenance takes effort too.  You're so much better off taking the weight off slowly and steadily than crash dieting, crashing and falling into a binge.

    Lastly, everyone makes "mistakes" or has a slip up.  Don't let it defeat you.  Ok, so you had too many cookies today at lunch, that doesn't mean you can throw away dinner too and have a free for all.  Pick your self back up, and get right back on the horse.  Learn from your slip-up.
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
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    These are all really great pieces of advice!
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Please share you best tip/advice about weight loss. (Just for fun)</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Please share you best tip/advice about weight loss. (Just for fun) : All of this, a million times over. My advice?  Find exercise that you LOVE to do.  It shouldn't be a chore, it should be fun, and you should want to do it. But, if ever there is a day when you really don't feel like exercising, tell youself that you can stop after 15 minutes, but that you HAVE to complete those 15 minutes.  Chances are once you get going you won't want to stop. Food/intake wise, find out what works for you.<strong>  Everyone is different and what works really well for me might be torture for you. </strong> <strong>Experiment with different eating regimes (6 smalls meals a day sounds awful?  Go for 2 or 3 big ones then) and find your groove. </strong>Realize that true, sustainable weight loss takes time, and that maintenance takes effort too.  You're so much better off taking the weight off slowly and steadily than crash dieting, crashing and falling into a binge. Lastly, everyone makes "mistakes" or has a slip up.  Don't let it defeat you.  Ok, so you had too many cookies today at lunch, that doesn't mean you can throw away dinner too and have a free for all.  Pick your self back up, and get right back on the horse.  Learn from your slip-up.
    Posted by raynes[/QUOTE]

    <div>This over and over again.</div><div>
    </div><div>There are certain rules that must be followed for weight loss (calories in < calories out, for example) but many others are more subjective.  Don't feel like you have to follow a certain meal schedule just because so-and-so-diet-guru tells you to.  If it's making you miserable or causing you to fail, change it.  Do what <em>your</em> body wants.  Learn to listen to it.  Eat "normally".</div><div>
    </div><div>Here is a great list of tips for those who are emotional eaters or haven't learned to interpret their body's signals:</div><div>
    </div><div><a href=""></a></div>
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Please share you best tip/advice about weight loss. (Just for fun)</a>:
    [QUOTE]  - Remember that it takes time. You can't lose weight quickly. If you do, it isn't healthy and it won't stay off. 
    Posted by number55[/QUOTE]
    I think this one is really important. Losing weight isn't an overnight thing and it's not something you can do as a "quick fix" - anything that tells you otherwise is bullshit.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Please share you best tip/advice about weight loss. (Just for fun)</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Please share you best tip/advice about weight loss. (Just for fun) : I think this one is really important. Losing weight isn't an overnight thing and it's not something you can do as a "quick fix" - anything that tells you otherwise is bullshit.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    I don't get how people take months and years to gain weight and then think it should be quick to remove it.
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    Learn to make yourself a priority.
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    My advice would be don't deprive yourself of certain foods while you are on a diet. If you want a cheeseburger and fries, plan a day where you count that as either a cheat day or into your calorie intake.

    Know that every bite counts, so snack wisely.

    Some fat and CHOL is okay.

    Carbs are okay and you need them to think and function. Same goes for fat.
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    I try to work out with my dog. She always has more energy than me! We go running hiking and for walks. The scenery is always different so it keeps me intrested. 

    I also try to varry my workouts, I try to do yoga 1-2 times a week, gym for lifting weights and cardio 4 times a week and I try to pick up a group class in the week too. Working out with a group is very motivating. 

    I keep workout dvds at home. This site has tons of reviews, previews, and break downs of dvds so I'll look here for new ones and then look on amazon to see if I can find them for cheap. A lot of times, you can find them for 3,4,5 bucks used on amazon. That way, if I don't have time to go to the gym I still have a way to workout at home. I also get to try different things that may not be offered in my area (Like belly dancing!! :))

    I try keep track of food through My fitness pal, but I'm kind of terrible at logging things in. i'll do a few days a week with it.

    I completely avoid juices and sodas and just drink water. Once in a blue moon I will drink soda but its usually diet. 

    I try to make sure every single meal has a fruit and veggie to go with it. 

    Lastly, I don't buy large packages of sweets at the store. (Like ice cream or a brick of chocolate) If I am feeling a sweet tooth, I'll go out and get a single serving of the sweet thing (like a small bag of M&Ms) This way I get my sweet treat, but I don't have to worry about over doing it with a big package and a moment of weakness (or a whole day, that has happend too haha)

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