

Hope your having a great monday.We have a mutal friend. She got your invite to your "Jack and Jill" :)

Re: chanchachiclet

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    edited December 2011
    Hi, I did have a nice Monday, thanks! Hope you had a nice one too. So who's the mutual friend? I'm trying to think of who it could be. No one really knows I'm on the knot either and no one knows my username on here so I'm confused as to who the friend is and how they knew I was on the knot here. Who is your friend and are they coming to my jack and jill? You've got me very curious!
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    edited December 2011
    Courtney :)your bio has your names love. She is my co worker and she's a friend of your soon to be hubby's moms. We were talking about weddings and such, that's how it came up. She was telling me about it and I thought of you right away once she said your name! I hope you have a great time :)
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    edited December 2011
    Oh thats interesting. I just was wondering how you thought of me when she told you about the jack and jill, thats weird how you thought of me. Is it because I posted before about my jack and jill and there was a huge thing about it? That's very interesting though...I still don't know who it is since she's not actually my friend but my FMIL's friend but cool anyways I guess.
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    edited December 2011
    Oh and thanks for wishing us a great time! It's been pretty stressful planning so far but hopefully it'll be a good time!
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