California-Inland Empire


$495!!??  How big is your house? 

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Re: Rebecca

  • sdkissezsdkissez member
    edited December 2011
    3500 sq. ft.  You also have to remember that I was home all summer and ran the air conditioner all day and night for my prego butt.  Now, we don't turn it on at night because it's been cool enough to open the windows and have the ceiling fan on high.  The ceiling fan before was not enough for me.  We also haven't used our dishwasher in two months.  Thankfully so, otherwise, our bill would've been higher.  =)
  • edited December 2011
    Holy cow!  You really ARE living my dream!  LOL.  3500 sq ft is massive!  We wanted a house that was 2600 sq ft and I thought that one was huge.  Another we put a bid on was over 3000sq ft and had a loft...I fell in love with that house but of course didn't get it.  I feel like our house is too small.  I want bigger. 

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  • edited December 2011
    *Note to self, get your master's and become a teacher*

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  • edited December 2011
    My SIL is a teacher and she was telling me not to become one.  I don't see how it can be so horrible.  You love it.  I am thinking more along the lines of teaching kids with disabilities though. 

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  • sdkissezsdkissez member
    edited December 2011
    Teaching is a job that you either love or you hate.  You also have to remember that I went into teaching 8 years ago, so my job within my district is pretty secure.  That is one reason why we don't want to move to far, if we ever decided to move out of the area.  I love middle school and I love being with the kids.  You have to love your job, no matter what it is to truly be fulfilled.  I couldn't imagine doing anything else.  I do want to get my Ph.D. and work for a research company or for the US Department of Justice in their education firm.  I will always want to be involved in education somehow.Also, 3500 sq. ft is NOT a great house when you have to clean it, especially when you have pets.  I have to sweep our floors 3 times a day and mop twice a day.  It really wears on you. 
  • edited December 2011
    BIP: Your house is huge! We haven't even looked at a hosue close to that big and we thought the ones we looked at were big. I would love a nice big house.Also Kasi, I agree with what Rebecca said about having to love what you do. My mom has been a teacher since I was in 5th grade, and I used to see all the work she would have to do on her own time. You don't get paid for as much work as you really do, but my mom says it is the most rewarding job she has ever had. You really would have to love it though, or I could see how you would be miserable. I think you would be a good teacher though Kasi, I could see the kids just loving you.
  • edited December 2011
    So my original major was going to be Mass Comm (hard to get a job with) and I wanted to work in the TV/movie industry.  Not as an actress or anything, just something behind the scenes.  Not gonna happen.  They don't even offer classes in the evenings so ow i have to make do.

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  • edited December 2011
    Kasi that is what I was going to school for too. I wanted to work more in the PR department though, promoting new shows, movies, ect, being a spokesperson. I decided to do education because I thought it would be easier to raise a family, and to find a job...although as of now that is proving different.
  • edited December 2011
    Exactly my thinking.  I have a kid so I have to think more realisticly now.  It used to be doable when I worked part time but now I can't.  That would seriously be my dream job.  With my degree now I can branch out to social work, HR, adviser, counselor, and that type of thing but none of those is what I want to do.  I don't want to teach either but I have always wanted to work with people with disabilities or troubled kids.  That's why awhile back I was considering getting a master's in criminology.  If I teach it would be kids with disabilities...I think.  My sis is student teaching right now at an elemntary school in a class for autistic kids.  She said it is hard.

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  • edited December 2011
    aw poor rebecca... pregnant right through summer!! kas, how big is your house? My mom is a teacher and she loves it... but its like nik said, you work way more than they pay you for. Kas, why dont you continue with social work and work in a shelter or a home? My BF used to work in one and she loved it. The kids had serious problems, and it was hard on her, but so rewarding.
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  • edited December 2011
    My house is 1772 sq ft.  I'm such a brat though and I want bigger.  It seemed so great when it was empty but now it's a bit small for what we want.  :(A shelter would be awesome.  I have no clue where to even look.  My friend is friends with the dean of the dept and she said when the quarter starts she will speak to him about internships for me.  We'll see what comes up from there.

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  • edited December 2011
    my apartment is like, 700 sqft at best... be greatful for your extra 1000 sqft! lol my friend used to work at leroy's... i think thats the name. She only had her Bachelors... and is just now going for her masters. She loved it... i think you would be great there. You have to be really tough. She had to learn take down moves and everything.
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  • edited December 2011
    Girl, I was a Marine...I got this!  I learned self defense (need a refresher).  I'll show up in my cammies and scare the crap oput of them!

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  • edited December 2011
    lol thats what they will need! its all boys, so i dont think they let the girls work in the ages hire than like 12.
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