
bikini wax recommendations

I just moved to the Annapolis area, and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions about a good place to go for a bikini wax?  It's a sensitive area, so don't want to risk it with just anyone, ya know.
Dr. Googs is married to Mr. Pelvis. Happily ever after!

Re: bikini wax recommendations

  • edited December 2011
    I've gone to Skin Sense in West Annapolis a few times--it's teenytiny so I've been the ONLY person in there. I've never tried anywhere else to compare but I think the prices are decent. And Laurie is fabulous! (It's been a while so I hope they're still open)
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks!  I'll check it out.
    Dr. Googs is married to Mr. Pelvis. Happily ever after!
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