California-Los Angeles

AWWWWW Thanks Ladies....

Just wanted to say thanks for the b-day post....awwww I feel so honored :) Sorry for not responding yesterday, but FI gave me a HUGE surprise! HE TOOK ME TO THE HAPPY PLACE ON EARTH!!!!!! YES DISNEYLAND!!!!!! I was complaining for a awhile that I had not gone. He is so sweet he had everything planned for months, he called my boss (I'm a personal assistant) and asked for the day off, she told me on Monday you know you deserve a day off lol she was in on the plot :P We took great pics I'll post later. Also we got me Mickey ears with a tiara and a veil and in the back it says "Mrs.M" and he got Mickey ears with a tux & a hat and on his back it said "Mr.M" and I wore a pin which announced my b-day and a pin that said "just engaged" everyone all day long " happy b-day and congrats" it was just a great day! And to end the day we saw the fireworks which were amazing, tinkerbell flying and Dumbo too!!!! :) But now its back to reality =/ My DL expired yesterday (and since I went to Disneyland couldn't attended to it.) I sent the paperwork at the beginning of the month but when I called Monday they said it takes 4wks to process since they've lost man power so I need to walk in to a DMV office n ask for extension. So technically speaking I'll be driving with out a license :P Ohh well...yesterday was so great I dont care about the DL or going to the DMV. Once again thanks Ladies!!!!!!

Re: AWWWWW Thanks Ladies....

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