
Boudoir pics...DONE!

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Aloha,   I did it!  I hope they turn out great.  My photog says I will have a ton to choose from (hope she is right ;-))  It was a great experience and if I can do it (after the birth of two children) everyone can!  We did some in a bamboo forest by a stream and waterfall and the rest we did on the beach and rocks and in the water at sunset.   As soon as I get them I will try to PIP.Only 12 more days 09/09/09!Beth

Re: Boudoir pics...DONE!

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    edited December 2011
    that's so exciting!!!  12 more days --- I hope it flies by for you, that is, unless you want it to slow down because you have a lot to do or anything! Happy for your special day, and that your b-pics were so fun!
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    edited December 2011
    Ooooooo can't wait to see!  The setting sounds truly amazing! 12 days? I can't even imagine...enjoy!!
    image imageimage Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    edited December 2011
    Oooh!  Congrats Beth!  (You ladies are so brave to do those b-pics!  I'm uncomfortable enough in a two-piece!  Haha!)  I'm sure your FI will love them!
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