New York-Long Island

Hi From a Newbie...

Hi All! I'm Sandey. I've been posting a bit but thought I'd officially introduce myself. My sweetheart and I are getting married some time late April/Early May 2010. I'm finding a bit of a struggle with finding a Kosher caterer but appreciate all of your suggestions to one of my posts. I'm slowly working down the list. We've got to be as careful about budget as we can be because we have so manyother expenses, we're both doing a second wedding (though I'm not quite sure why that means we shsedate and simple with this one), and I'm having a real problem with how much a big wedding is going to cost us (even if we DID win the lottery tomorrow night). Although I'd love to have the world's most beautiful wedding with the world's most delic. food and the world's most everything, what's most important to us is to have as many of our loved ones with us to celebrate. We may do a small thing on the day of for close friends and family and then a bigger thing at the house a month or two (or so) after the wedding for everyone we'd like to include but cannot afford to invite. Cutting back from band to DJ, DYI centerpieces, I've already got my gown from a few years ago (long story), and looking at an extended cocktail hour on a Sunday night. Any other suggestions? At the end of the day, though, I'm marrying someone who was my best friend for three years before we started dating, who was my biggest supporter when I needed his help even before we became friends, and is now my best friend, my biggest supporter and the person I call my perpetual bright spot during the best and the worst of times! I've been married before and never believed I could have the kind of relationship this man has brought to my life. I fought dating him at first but finally gave in to his charms. Every day since (okay except for three days - not bad in a year), I have felt like the luckiest girl in the whole world to have him in my life and to be marrying him. Somewhere we were invited to tell our stories and assured this was the place everyone wanted to hear it. So, there you go... :-) I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and sharing your planning and happiness! Sandey

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