African American Weddings

I have other things to do...

So FI and I just had a talk about this that really had me thinking... There are other things to worry about, financially and otherwise, immediately before and after the wedding.Like my friend's baby shower is before the wedding so I need to get her a gift; FSIL is graduating a week or two before the wedding also; My journalism conference is a couple months after the wedding, and I would like to go to that... so that costs mula. It really had me putting together a list of things I have to think about other than my wedding. How about you guys? What other events do you have to worry about other than your big day?

Re: I have other things to do...

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    edited December 2011
    good post girl!! I have tons of stuff going on before the BIG DAY hence why I'm planning so early...LOL! my oldest son's 16th b-day is in Feb of next year, then DH 40th b-day is following in March (I'm planning a surprise party for him so this is really a test run of how I'm gonna proceed with other wedding details like the cake bakery & photog will be the same for his bday party and our event) and then we are planning on a family cruise for Spring break which is later in March...O-M-F-G!...and then and then my b-day is in July and I'm going to go all out because it's my 40th!! I feel you on how expensive it gets before & after the BIG DAY...
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    aquarius125aquarius125 member
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    edited December 2011
    I am feeling you right NOW!!! My mom's 50th is next week, my FI's 30th is in Oct, we are buying a house and my brothers getting married in Oct a week after FI's bday, planning grandma 85th bday party in april, and on and on!! needless to say WE BROKE!!!:)
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    edited December 2011
    This is a good post because until recently I haven't really thought of anything else besides this wedding. I'm going back to school in january (i don't receive ANY financial aid), my bday is in March, FI's bday is a week after the wedding, FMIL bday is the day of the wedding, family reunion is June and July and a cousins wedding is in March. The list is endless
    Lovin Kimmie
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    edited December 2011
    Mmmmm lets see: Planning a big shingdig for my Mom's 50th b-day next sept. Hubby was laid off last weekend Still Planning to buy a house by next summer getting my dogs fixed (so far that seems to be running $300 a piece) Our 1 year anniversary is coming up and I would like to go to Orlando for Halloween Horrors (its our tradition) Luckily we have a free 7-day cruise coming up but I would liked to upgrade a little which is going to cost $$$.
    Mr. and Mrs. Jones est. 10/18/2008
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    Panda16Panda16 member
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    edited December 2011
    I guess we get soo caught up in having this perfect day that we forget there are 364 other ones to worry about. What's worse... I had to actually sit down and estimate costs on things just so I know how much spurgling I can't do anymore. arghh!
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    edited December 2011
    Grad school homework as usual. I have class right after we get back from being married. My wedding reception is two weeks after my wedding, so my wedding day won't really be over until November 1st. Then right after the wedding reception the major holidays will soon be approaching. My brother's birthday is September 16th so he is driving to Florida to get on my nerves for a week.
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    edited December 2011
    We're right in the middle of building a house so, that has to be the priority financially right now. But on top of that before the wedding stuff is all those regular bills that have got pushed into the background while we save to close on the house.
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    edited December 2011
    LOL. My daughter just started college this week, I started back to college for my last few classes before clinicals next yr. I'm moving to Md in Dec, wedding in Va, but I now live in Pa. God daughters birthday in 2 weeks, daughter, mom birthday 5 days apart in November. Holidays!!! Son's birthday in January. Approved for a house, looking (yuck!). Thinking about buying investment property in Baltimore....and I pay for college out of pocket.I have more month than disposable income and I hate it. We signed a contract not to buy anything unless it was for house, kids, wedding....except for holidays. What the hell was I thinking when I signed that?????
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    edited December 2011
    I hope to be defending my dissertation Fall of 2010 so hopefully we'll be planning a doctoral graduation ceremony around the holidays.....woohoo!
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