Destination Weddings Discussions

Hi everyone

Stopping in to say hello to everyone! Cathy I miss you!! I've started a business with Arbonne and it's slowly starting but nagging my friends to have an at home or online party has been taking up a lot of my time....ESP since my friends suck! : .
Marriage life is great. Hubby is doing well! My sister got married a month ago, I had the best time ever!! Now she better start working on a baby for me!
How is everyones planning going? Any fun news I missed??
Cathy you may be interested in the ice wine fest....Msg me and I'll give you my email or to anyone else that wants to keep in contact.

Miss you ladies!! To all of the new Knotties, this is an awesome board, keep the posting up and you'll make some of the best friends you'll have in your life, I know I did!!
~jenn~ Photobucket Anniversary

Re: Hi everyone

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    HI JENN!!  I have missed you too!!  I sent you a PM with my contact info.  I would love more info on the ice wine fest.  FI and I love ice wine.  Maybe we could even do something more local too. 

    My big news is that I am getting married in 22 DAYS!!  I can't believe that it is so close.  There are a few things that we still need to get done, but nothing major.  FI's mom and FI's brother's GF are annoying me with their travel woes and what not.  Right now I am debating on a veil, mainly for pics and I need to start our ceremony. 

    I am glad to hear that you and hubby are doing well.  :)
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    Awesome!! I can't get PMs on my phone (I don't think) I will get it later! There are a few of us looking at going to Niagara. Britt is a definate! I hope you can go! I want to go to the Finger Lakes sometime, have you ever been there? Omg....22 days! Yay!!! Tell the in laws to figure it out! Did u try a veil on with your dress to see what you like better?? I pretty much gave it to XBF so we are "friends" but Idc what she does anymore! I did guilt her into having an Arbonne party for me. I finally told her that as my "best friend" I was disappointed that she never made plans to celebrate my marriage. I just thought it would've been nice for is all To go out one night. I'll email you tonight! : )
    ~jenn~ Photobucket Anniversary
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    I didn't try one on but I see all of these amazing photos on the beach with the cathedral veil flowing in the wind.  That's the main reason I want one.  I think that I am just going to get one of the cheap ones on Etsy for like $30.

    I gave you my cell too.  I was hoping that your phone would text me inappropriate things.  :)

    I am glad you told you XBF off.  She deserved it.  Did she give you any excuses on why she was being such a b!tch?
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    I miss you ladies so much! This is the first time in weeks I had five minutes to log in and say hi!
    Great news is that I am under 600 days until the wedding now, and I am SOOOO excited.

    I hope you all are doing well, and I am going to be trying to get on in the very early am's from now on!

    Happy Hump Day!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Jenn!  So refreshing to see you post here :-)  Glad you are enjoying married life!!

    Cathy- I would love to stay in touch too!!  Since you are going to be an OM soon you might just leave me cold turkey...I have your email address already so I will have to make sure and add it to my address book ;-)
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Cathy - screw something more local, you need to come to the Festival!!!
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    I meant something more local in addition to the wine fest silly.  You can never have enough wine!!
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    Yay I love wine!! Do both! Def get the veil! I'll give you the low down on XBF. No reasoning but I did make her feel like sh*t! You know my phone loves inappropriate things. I will txt u later! Glad your all still around and keeping each other company! 600 Seems like a long time but it will cheap up on you!!
    ~jenn~ Photobucket Anniversary
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    I told FI about it and he was really interested.  I started looking at hotels already :)  My only issue is getting time off of work.  I am hoping that maybe you guys are planning it for the weekend of Martin Luther King Day.  We have off that Monday so it would really help us in getting there.
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    I'm gonna be so pissed when you all go to the Ice Wine Festival without me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
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    You can come too :)

    It will give you a reason to get your passport sooner :)
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    Jenn! I was just thinking about you earlier today for some reason. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Hey Nicole! How are you. What's new gf??
    ~jenn~ Photobucket Anniversary
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