Lastnight was the last spinning class instructed by the trainer I like (she gave me a bunch of free PT sessions). I really like her, she pushes you hard, she is easy to get along with and I just really clicked with her - I really enjoy her classes. Due to a change in her schedule and outside things she has going on she will no longer be doing spinning on Tuesday nights. The girl I normally go with and I have decided to start going on Thursday evening, which is run by someone completely different. We chose this date because it just works best for the both of us. Lastnight I was talking to the trainer after class and she goes "This never happened, im not giving you anything right now" and gave me a huge handful of free passes for another gym (not the same as the one I am a member of). Turns out she does spinning there on Monday nights and that is part of why her scheduling issues have come up. The class is Monday at 6:30 at a gym in another city. I am lame and dont drive on the highway (partially because im scared of it, partially because my car would probably die), the back way to get there would take atleast 30min to get out there for this class. Monday's are really busy for my friend, and she doesnt know if she would even be able to make it with me, so it woul dbe up to me to drive myself. I really like this trainer but I dont know if thats enough of a reason to drive all that way for a spin class? What are your thoughts?