Wedding Etiquette Forum

New Year's Resolutions?

Re: New Year's Resolutions?

  • The only one I've made so far is that I'm going to try and pick up an extra yoga class every week. 

    HI POLI! <3
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  • To take better care of myself.
  • - continue to eat healthy and work out to get to my goal weight (27lbs to go)
    - stop swearing so much (this hasnt been working out well today)
    - control my anger better
    - leave my husband alone more when he is working on his art (ie not barging into his office whenever I think of something i wanna tell him or ask him)
    - clean up more and be tidier in general.

    Its a lot but theyre all relatively small
  • 1.  FInish my half marathon.

    2.  Learn to cook eggplant and portabella mushrooms.

    3.  Eat mindfully.

    4.  Get a bike and take up road biking and maybe do a duathlon.

    5.  No WR regrets.  Stand up for myself.
    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
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  • I joined a gym yesterday, so hopefully that will pan out, but I won't go so far as to call it a resolution, it's more of a "any form of exercise is better than what I'm doing now."

    I guess I don't have a real resolution yet, any suggestions? I prefer the realistic ones that I can actually accomplish. For example, one year in high school my resolution was to memorize and be able to sing without tripping up the lyrics to "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies. I accomplished it and still know them.
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • I don't make goals for myself...pathetic I know.
  • - Try yoga and other type of exercising (already signed up for an introductory series for me and DH)
    - Stop gaining weight
    - Read Atlas Shrugged
    - Cut off all my hair

    There are a couple others as well.
  • bbyckesbbyckes member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited January 2010
    Not so much resolutions, but goals.  FI and I will:

    Get married
    Take a trip - outside the US
    Get our bills under control
    Continue losing weight

    That's about it.

    ETA:  I'll also find a job I love and pass the bar.
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    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Brie Fit Blog | BFP Chart
  • --quit smoking (so far, so good...not so much as a craving)

    --sitting up strait (so far...not good)

    --own up to my farts, and stop blaming them on my innocent pets.
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  • Oh I do really really want to go to the World's Longest Yard Sale this year. I've been trying for a while but now that I finally have a house to decorate, I think my mom and I are going to rent a truck and drive through parts of it in Kentucky and Tennessee and do some shopping!
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • This year I resolve to:

    become a better housekeeper
    stop living in sin ;) - 11/27/2010
    add one more bootcamp class per week (from 3 to 4)
    find a solution to the injury that is keeping me from running
    FInish the Tour de Cure.. again
    Swim more

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  • Actually I'm not a fan of fresh mozzarella, which makes no sense at all because I LOVE cheese. LOVE it. Maybe I just haven't had good stuff?

    Maybe I could force myself to enjoy a new vegetable? I already need to add edamame to my diet since, shockingly, H actually likes it, but what else could I do? I don't like mushrooms, but maybe I could eat more bell peppers?
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • None really. To make this year better than last.
  • Rach, the posture one is a good one.  I also have the worst posture ever.
  • tlv if you have good farmers markets there, its such a great opportunity to try new things. I found so many interesting vegetables I had never tried before this summer at the market and it made it easy to try new things. I didnt like most of them, but I still tried them!!
  • edited January 2010
    I have never made New Year's resolutions in my life, for some reason. I did this year, though they are mostly non-serious. I think that gives me a better chance of sticking with them:

    1. Brush my hair more often.
    2. Post more unflattering pictures of myself, because, you know what, who cares?
    3. Not continue to eat the pineapple after the first piece or two have caused Phil to whip out his camera in anticipation of the next several pieces.

    I posted them elsewhere first, with a visual, so it all kind of made more sense. But I really mean them.
    On bed rest since Groundhog's Day and every day since has been exactly the same.
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  • Hi Salt :) How's it hangin?

    Every year since I was 18, I make a list of 10 emotional resolutions. Even though I'm always trying to eat better, work out more, etc., I find that those resolutions stick. Each January 1st, I go back through my journal, evaluate my progress on each one, and write ten more.

    Apparently, I was destined to be a therapist. Poli = Geek.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: New Year's Resolutions?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh I do really really want to go to the World's Longest Yard Sale this year. I've been trying for a while but now that I finally have a house to decorate, I think my mom and I are going to rent a truck and drive through parts of it in Kentucky and Tennessee and do some shopping!
    Posted by tlv204[/QUOTE]

    I saw that on HGTV.  I would love to go to that.  I would need to have saved lots of money though!  If you go, please fill us in!
  • No alcohol at all. I really need to get back on my clean eating plan! I want a ripped body.
  • Oh I will, I'm pretty excited. However, it is August 5-8 this year, and I'll be spending July 14-25 on a road trip to and from Texas with my mom and H, so by August 8 there might be a dead momma tlv, I don't know if I can handle that much car time with her, particularly now that I don't smoke.
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • Here are some from last year... I did well this year. I usually blow off half of them, ha.

    "Stay in touch with XYZ friends. Take the initiative!"

    "Really learn how to cook in a way that feels healthy and nuturing, both physically and emotionally."

    "Try to learn how to forgive yourself fo ryour mistakes. Everyone makes them.... really."
  • My posture is awful, awful. Sometimes I really try but a lot of the time I blame it on the Scoliosis.

    Salt- there was  a girl on my cruise that reminded me sooo much of you
  • I also need to do a friend cleansing. Get back in touch with lots of people and weed out the poison ones. This will be good for all of you too if I succed, way fewer "my friends suck" threads. I have several friends who I know are better people, and I need to proactively spend more time with them than the crappy ones I end up hanging out with.
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • Well said, tlv! I should take a leaf out of your book.
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