African American Weddings


You invited 500 people to your wedding? WOW!
How is everything coming along?

Re: MandiKay...

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    edited December 2011

    Yep, I know, my parents were rather generous about it.  They didn't want to cut anyone from the list.  We only expect about 275 - 300 to actually attend because a large majority of our guests are from out of town.  We shall see how that goes.  Crazy thing is we haven't even put the invitations in the mail yet and people are RSVPing through the website.

    Wedding plans are coming along okay.  I've been swamped lately with work and wedding stuff.  In fact, I hadn't been on TK as much.  But tomorrow I took off work and will be taking my bridal portraits.  I'm pretty excited about a day of being pretty and girly. 

    How are your wedding plans coming along? 

    Bio (updated 4/3/10 with invitations) AAW Board Brides
    500 invitedimage 301 acceptedimage 101 declinedimage

    RSVP date: April 23rd Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    edited December 2011
    Aww, I hope you have fun taking your wedding portraits...
    I totally hear you on the getting swamped at hour. Hand in there!

    Thank God for your parents. That's a blessing. Can they adopt me?

    Bring some teasers of the pics. ok?
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