Getting in Shape

TOM eating

So it's my TOM and this weekend, I went crazy eating and did zero exercise.  I'm on the pill, so I don't get cramps, but I had a bad headache and just felt tired and lazy and very, very hungry.  I'm so ashamed of myself, but today is a new day!  How do you all stay on track during those days?

Re: TOM eating

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    I can't really control myself well, so I just do what I want and then get back on track after the cravings are over. If I keep denying myself of things I want from time to time I think I'll just totally fall off the bandwagon for good. So I just let myself eat what I want (to an extent) and catch up the next week.
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    I try to only spurgle once a day on TOM.  Whether it's a fun-sized Snickers bar, a second WW ice cream bar, or something else that I don't usually eat, I figured that like a pp said, if I don't give in a little, I'm going to eat A LOT.  I also find that I am not motivated to go to the gym during TOM, but I am trying to make myself go anyway!
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    I make an effort to stay on track, but I don't worry about it too much if I have a really horrendous day. I just get back on track as best I can once I'm feeling a bit more normal.
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