
transportation companies

The post about limos reminded me that I wanted to ask knottie brides about the transportation companies you're using.  We have a bunch of out-of-town guests, so we need to bus people between our hotel and reception location -- think 25 or 33 person minibus that takes multiple trips and not a huge 100 person charter bus.We really only need pick up and drop off for about 4 hours all night (2 around beginning of the ceremony and 2 at the end), but the companies I have talked to require a full block for the night since it's a Saturday night.  Does anyone have a company they are using or maybe used that is either reasonable for long blocks or can do the pick up and drop off on a weekend night?  Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. 

Re: transportation companies

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    henderstraushenderstraus member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    We did a similar thing. We used Star Shuttle & Charter. I know they have a 25-seater and a 57-seater. 512-479-8100
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    edited December 2011
    Thanks so much for the idea!
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    mirandmsumirandmsu member
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    edited December 2011
    I've looked into this too bc our wedding is about 18 miles from downtown where our guests will be staying.  Most of the places i've called to rent a bus run about $600-$700 for the night...and our wedding is on a sunday. I think we are going to rent a 15 passenger van and hire a valet to drive.  This will cost us much less than renting the bus.Anybody found bus rentals for cheaper than $600?
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