Florida-Central Florida

Tasting Update

Well this weekend, aside from getting my dress (yay!) I also got my tasting over and done with. The chef made EVERYTHING i asked him to make, so we all had a gourmet meal at 10:30 in the morning! We tried about 6 or 7 different appetizers, 4 different entrees, and 5 or 6 different sides. I love good quality food and presentation and he added some Carribbean spices to it so it tasted just the way we wanted! We decided on some good awesome dishes, and decided to also do a "sweet table/venetian table" for after dinner. The chef said that he will make some "fruit kabobs" and i think that is amazing. All in all, we had an amazing weekend!On a side note...if you had to choose between hawaii and martinique...where would you go? We are having a tough time deciding where to go for our honeymoon. it doesn't necessarily have to be those two, but we are definitely looking for something tropical...HELP!

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