
Big Burrito Catering

Hey all! I was wondering if anyone has used the Big Burrito Catering company for anything? For those who don't know, they own Mad Mex, Eleven, and a few other restaurants in the area. I haven't contacted them yet about pricing, but I was wondering how their customer service was. Also, if you know how their prices are, that would be great too, as their site doesn't divulge that information! Thanks!

Re: Big Burrito Catering

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    edited December 2011
    I don't know how their catering is, but I love their restaurants!  YUM!
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    jennybean2010jennybean2010 member
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    edited December 2011
    i think nunu might have used them for her wedding in september, but i'm not sure. even if she didn't, she always raves about them.
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    jennybean2010jennybean2010 member
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    edited December 2011
    ps:i was reading the responses to your post re: what to do about the ceremony since he is "catholic" and you are athiest. did you resolve the issue? i couldn't read most of the responses, the issue of religion tends to drive me to insanity. i'm christian, but not catholic. we had an issue of our own when deciding what to do bc FI is catholic (although he would never say he is practicing. he's a c & e & easter, and easter doesn't even always happen). long story short: you can find a catholic priest to do the ceremony outside of the church, if you look hard enough. the catholic church has released it's grip on that rule as of recently (my baby sister is extremely religious and became catholic a couple of years ago; her fiance was in the catholic seminary for awhile but now runs the education division at a local catholic church...these 2 keep me informed of what we can and cannot do when it comes to wedding ceremonies), though it may take finding a catholic priest that is a bit more progressive than others. however, we (FI) opted not to have a catholic priest present at all (his choice, not mine). we met with rev mark & his wife from a simple vow and we both knew that was what we were looking for. we could tweek the ceremony to our liking and he'll do whatever you want. higly recommend for FI & i, FMIL told us the same thing about talking first about kids and raising them before getting married (actually, she screamed it at me). we decided to cross that bridge when we get to it and have realized that it will be a difficult time for us, but that we will have to agree to disagree and work it out. we're not going to get all in a tizzy over something that may not even happen (what if one of us can't have kids and we decide not to adopt?). and neither one of us wanted to do pre cana. we felt weird having someone that has never been married talk to us about being married. rev mark offers pre marriage counseling if we would like it or if a family is requiring it. we haven't followed up on it, but it's nice to know that it is there. sorry to butt in! i hope you have figured something out that makes you both happy! good luck! :)
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    edited December 2011
    I have used big Catering for fundraisers before. I love that their food is unique and that they can do pretty much any style that you want. It tough to gauge their prices, but I would say to expect it to be appx. $50 - $75 pp for food and service (not counting rentals). I might be way off base though since I am not sure of their wedding pricing. They are also very fun to work with and very creative. I highly recommend them. I used Opening Night Catering for my wedding. I chose them over big Catering because they were a better fit to my style, budget and personality. I love Opening Night. They are amazing! As for Pre-Cana, it is not a priest talking to you about marriage, at least not in the Catholic Church. Your classes are taught by a married deacon and you meet several married couples along the way that talk about their personal successes and struggles. I highly recommend it!
    CafeMom Tickers
    CafeMom Tickers
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    edited December 2011
    thanks all! I guess all I can do is meet with them and see what they would charge, dependent upon what we end up feeding everyone! In response to Jenn, yeah we have resolved what I had seen as a mini-crisis! I looked into the Unitarian Universalist churches here in Pittsburgh, and was happy with what I found, and then presented everything to my partner. He was excited about it, because in the end, it is a great compromise for us. We had planned on a two year engagement, in order to save up for the wedding that we wanted, but will be calling and meeting with the church we chose (First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh) in about 6 months.
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    edited December 2011
    I got married at First Unitarian. LOVE it there. The coordinator was terrible, but she has since retired (lucky me - my wedding was her last to screw up). :)
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    jennybean2010jennybean2010 member
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    edited December 2011
    so glad to hear you were able to come up with a compromise, that's great! it's important that you are both happy. i hear good things about that place?!
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