Gothic Weddings

New Layout - Coming Soon!

Most of you probably already know that TK has been working on a new layout for a while now. Well, the mods are currently testing it out and it's pretty awesome. It should be coming to you within the month.Here's some of the new features that it will have:- Quote feature- Edit button- Emoticons- PIP feature (You don't have to remember code anymore!)- Link featureThere's plenty more and I'll try to keep y'all updated as much as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Re: New Layout - Coming Soon!

  • It all sounds too good to be true!  You're not teasing us, are you, Sco?Oh, and can they make it easier to disable the knot TV?  Like forever?  That would be the icing on the cake. ;)
  • The Knot TV actually will be in a tab which you can open or close. Yes. You heard/saw correctly :D
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