June 2012 Weddings

Late night getting my hopes up ramble

Background (if you don't already know): FI and I are both from MI, but he's lived in the Cincinnati area ever since I've met him. I moved in with him in August and am now 5 hours away from my family.

This isn't a huge issue because I'm used to being away..didn't see them much in college and I lived on my own an hour away last year. Plus FI and I drive up a decent amount since both our families are there and we are planning the wedding there.

FI is going to Nashville this weekend with his cousin and a bunch of his friends. I was contemplating driving up to MI because we haven't been there in awhile and my dress came in! But we will be up St. Patty's Day weekend so I don't really wanna do 2 weekends in a row.

My little sister (not that little..she's 22) is going through a rough time. She just had to say goodbye to her boyfriend who's moving to NJ for a job. I feel horrible because I can't physically be there for her. FI and I did long distance for a long time and it sucks.

But I just talked to her and she was talking about driving down with our other sister this weekend! No one from my family has been down here to visit yet. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if they came. I don't really get any alone time with my sisters anymore since we all have SO and since I'm far away so it would mean so much to me if I could have some quality sister time and if they saw where we are living.

I don't know if it will happen. But now I have my hopes up. Bahhhh. I miss my sisters.  No real point to this post, I'm just excited.
June 16, 2012

Re: Late night getting my hopes up ramble

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    I agree, tell them how much it would mean to you for them to come down and visit! My parents live 3 hours away and my brother and his family lives 4 hours away so I know how hard it can be at times without your family close to you. I hope it works out for you!!
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    I definitely think you should tell them how much you would enjoy them coming down and how much you miss them. 

    My sister lives 5 hours away so I totally understand.
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    Update: They're coming!! YAY!
    June 16, 2012
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    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_june-2012-weddings_late-night-getting-my-hopes-up-ramble?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20Club%20BoardsForum:3ae4d68d-f10a-4dec-8810-da13c14a7b86Discussion:d3d72ceb-e540-42b2-b664-7487c52db648Post:8f51ae60-2758-4863-896a-ba2fd52f08c1">Re: Late night getting my hopes up ramble</a>:
    [QUOTE]Update: They're coming!! YAY!
    Posted by acaponi87[/QUOTE]
    Yay!! Great news!!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    image 309 Invited so far!
    image 142 Are ready to party!
    image 125 Will be missing out!
    image 42 Are driving me crazy!
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    Mrs. Abbe Peanut Butter || Planning Bio
    June 2012 February Signature: Favorite picture of you & FI
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    So happy for you that they are coming to visit!
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