Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums


So I'm curious for what to do for a ready-to-pop pimple? It looks so weird and gross. Everyone says you're not supposed to pop, ever, but I'm curious what the ladys who do facials for a living have to say about those. How are you supposed to dry those up quickly if you are in a pinch for time?

Re: Curious

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    Hahaha, I've always been a popper. Embarassed
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    I have my esthetics liscense and work part time at a spa after my full time job during the week. I know that it's nearly impossible not to pop or pick at your pimple if it has a head on it. The best thing to do, if you truely think it's ready to come out very easily is to put a hot compress on it like a washcloth soaked in warm/hot water and put it on your pimple until it cools down. This will soften the skin as well as bring it to a head. Place one finger on either side of the pimple and wiggle them while pushing upwards. DO NOT use your finger nails. You want to think of it as pushing the sebum (dirt/oil white stuff) up and out. You can do damage if it is not ready to pop so give yourself a 5 minute time period to squeeze it and be done with it. If it doesn't come out in 5 minutes then wait another day.
    As an esthetician, I should tell you NOT to try and extract/pop the pimple yourself but I know it's hard to wait if you believe it to be ready so just be careful.
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    That helps a lot actually, thank you!
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    good info! i was wondering that too!
    We just stopped preventing January 2013! I use a tablet so please forgive my auto correct! :)
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    Glad to help!
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