
"Your Special Day" Wedding Officiants

Hi ladies,

I recently found this officiant site while surfing the web.  They are based out of Barrie, but, like many similar businesses, seem to have a 'stable' of officiants throughout the province to officiate weddings.

Just wondering if anyone has used their services?  Reviews?

This seems to be the most difficult part of taking care of the reception/ceremony!  Just this and the DJ to do, and then I'm pretty well set!
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Re: "Your Special Day" Wedding Officiants

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    grlandherdoggrlandherdog member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I looked at their website, but ended up going with Gordon Kuchner. We haven't had our ceremony yet, but I've read good things about him, and when we met him we liked him immediately. He is a wonderful man.

    In case you haven't booked with 'Your Special Day' yet - here's his website:

    Our ceremony is in February, but I imagine you need to book sooner, lol or I'd let you know how it goes.
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