So the MIL has decided she has to have one specific photographer -Yay!
And that she's paying for him - double yay.
But wait for it - he doesn't shoot the day of. huh? And the point of wedding pictures not on the day are? (that's not the question)
So I have told the hubby - that's her show to run, she wants me to show up & pose. then whatever. But now this leaves us with no photographer for the day of.
Originally we were going to augment the professional with a few semi-pro friends. But I don't know about dumping that full responsibility on Friends - ya'know?
So here's the question- approximately what do photographers run in the greater Chicago Area? The event is in Oak Brook Terrace (if that makes a difference)
The dude not shooting the day of charges 6K...ain't no way I can travel to that part of crazy town.
I've seen some at 1K include the digital negatives (which is all I really want)
Is that the norm?
any help totally appreciated.