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Wedding in 7 weeks and I'm 6 weeks pregnant!!

HELP...... We're just finalising plans for our wedding and I've found out I'm about 6 weeks pregnant. The wedding is in another 7 weeks and I am so petrified my dress won't fit.

This is my first baby and we are thrilled with the news, but I've no idea what to expect. My dress fitted perfectly at the last fitting - I adore it, and I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on body changes around 12/13 weeks?? How big will my belly be? There's no room in my dress for any belly at all. So I am really really nervous :(

Thank you for any help xx

Re: Wedding in 7 weeks and I'm 6 weeks pregnant!!

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    Everyone is different but most people don't show in the belly with their first child for quite some time.  I wore my regular jeans til the end of the 4th month with my first child.  At 12 to 13 weeks, your little peanut is teeny tiny.  Now the boobs?  That can be a bit of a different story.
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    This is why you shouldn't finished bridal gown alterations so far out from the wedding.  Not that you might get pregnant, but things change!

    Congratulations!  I'd try the dress on as weeks go by and be sure it's still fitting.  If it starts to get too tight, back to the seamstress you go.
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    You should be fine. I "popped" somewhere around 16 or 17 weeks and I wore my regular jeans until then. Like PP said, your boobs will get bigger first. Do you have any room in the bust? 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    thank you all, yes some room in the bust for sure - and not very much in that region anyway so any boost will be welcome! I guess we'll just have to see how we go over the next few weeks... thank you xo
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    With my first baby, I started to get a little belly around 4 months.

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    Congrats!   By that point you should have only gained about 5 pounds, so it might not be too bad.  Does your dress by any chance have a corset back?    If so, you'll be fine.   

    Also?   Morning sickness makes eating tricky, so you may not gain at all.   
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    Congrats!! I was 9 weeks pregnant when I got married and I'm 13 weeks now. I have a belly, but it isn't the baby yet... It's bloat!! Everyone is different, but unlike the ladies that posted I can't wear my regular pants anymore because of this bloat. I agree with their suggestions though, keep trying the dress on!! 
    0403_0929W BabyFruit Ticker
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    Congrats!! I was 9 weeks pregnant when I got married and I'm 13 weeks now. I have a belly, but it isn't the baby yet... It's bloat!! Everyone is different, but unlike the ladies that posted I can't wear my regular pants anymore because of this bloat. I agree with their suggestions though, keep trying the dress on!! 
    0403_0929W BabyFruit Ticker
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