
Working with a non so joyous bride.

I am a close friend of the bride.  the wedding is only 3 months away.When i ask any details what so ever she snaps. 
I am one of the brides maides.
She gets mean about ever asspect of the wedding.  Even demeaing the groom infront of people.

How do I handle this?  No you cannot tell her anything.  And its depressing.  I am really happy she is getting married,just sad that she asks you to be part of something so exciting and snaps if you want to hear the details.  I am married and was very happy about my wedding. 

Re: Working with a non so joyous bride.

  • Any way you can sit down with her and ask what's on her mind (or some variation of how are things going, what's wrong, etc)? Sounds like she's either turned into bridezilla or something is wrong and she's upset/stressed/etc about it. That's really not cool that she's snapping at you or demeaning to the groom regardless, but maybe there's something behind it.

    Good luck. That's a super bummer. Try not to take it personally!
    Married since May 12, 2012
  • You are so correct.  I adore her and she we in the past have always been there for each other. 

    After the wedding is over we will never have to talk about it again :)
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