Christian Weddings

Friday QOTD

Weekend plans?
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Re: Friday QOTD

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    today: 1/2 day @ work (so excited); then going to the mall and finding out the size FI needs for his ring and hopefully going to get my registry exchange present
    tomorrow: heading home for the weekend; my brother and his family are coming home as well, we are going to celebrate my brothers birthday a weekend early; can't wait to spend some time with my family. Going through some challenges and need some QT with them
    sunday: birthday dinner for my brother, bonding time with the family
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    Today= My Friday off! YAY. I am cleaning house thi morning (after some Knot time), meeting my DH for lunch at Japanese, going to watch my cousin's last basketball game at my old HS, and coming home afterwards to snuggle with my DH

    Tomorrow= I am going shopping with my mom at an outlet mall, and possibly stopping by for a visit with my grandpa if he feels up to visitors

    Sunday= Church in the am, lunch at my mom's, and choir proactice and church that evening. P.S. If my monthly friend doesn't come by Sunday night, I will be taking a HPT!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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    Tonight, no plans.

    Tomorrow DH and I are going grocery shopping, then my cousin and her H are bringing their adorable babies to our place to hang out at the playground and lake at our apartment complex.

    Sunday DH, my mom, my brother, and I are going downtown for Joe Cain Day!  My boss got a balcony for us, so we get to do high-class Mardi Gras!  Score!  Haha.

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    Tonight - pizza and a movie with FI :D

    Tomorrow - final premarital counceling session, cleaning the office at FI's (I'm slowly moving my stuff over, and the room is currently a disaster.) Probably looking at paint colors too.  Then dinner and the boat show with FI's parents. 

    Sunday - Trying a new church that FI is really excited about!
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    Tonight: off to Barnes and Noble and out to dinner with FI! We love just browsing around the store!

    Tomorrow: relaxing and SWING DANCING lesson! So excited!

    Sunday: tutoring in the morning and then spending time with FI!

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    I'm going to campus this afternoon to drop off a paper.

    DH and I will have date night tonight or tomorrow.  He has to work this weekend, giving me plenty of time to work on a paper I have due Wednesday.

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    Tonight:  Our friend Pauline came by and played Wii with H while I organized photos from our Australia/New Zealand babymoon we just got back from!

    Sunday is H's 30th birthday, and we're celebrating with a party Saturday which is mostly a surprise to him and then we'll see what else he feels like doing on Sunday after church.
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    H had his vasectomy today so i'm home taking care of him. Tonight and tomorrow I have a show and then I plan to just rest and relax on Sunday and Monday.
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    Today: I'm going to a Ron Paul rally. I don't know why he's coming to H's university town, but he is and it's free, so I figured, "Why not?"

    Tonight: Driving to our hometown to spend the weekend there.

    Saturday: No plans except for hanging out with family and having lunch with a friend.

    Sunday: Church.

    Monday: Lunch with one of my faaaavorite ministers who I hardly get to see anymore. Driving back here.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Friday QOTD</a>:
    [QUOTE]Tonight:  Our friend Pauline came by and played Wii with H while I organized photos from our Australia/New Zealand babymoon we just got back from! Sunday is H's 30th birthday, and we're celebrating with a party Saturday which is mostly a surprise to him and then we'll see what else he feels like doing on Sunday after church.
    Posted by Soon2BeMrsTing[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>I have never heard of a babymoon... I'm guessing it's a trip you take when you first get pregnant before the baby comes? Congrats on the pregnancy!! How was Australia? I have always wanted to go there. </div>
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    Today: H just went to pick up a pizza and we'll probably watch a movie later. 

    Tomorrow: Teaching my dance class in the morning, cleaning in the afternoon, and church in the evening (our church has a Saturday night service and a Sunday one that are exactly the same. So we are going Saturday night this weekend since we have something on Sunday). 

    Sunday: Going to my little cousin's cheerleading competition and then visiting with my parents for a little. 
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    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:464687ae-7bc1-4360-9aea-999e11f1e1adDiscussion:95e70492-a515-446f-bd3e-8008abca4feaPost:00ab7867-9a22-46fa-8de2-a9f7ac9afd04">Re: Friday QOTD</a>:
    [QUOTE]today: 1/2 day @ work (so excited); then going to the mall and finding out the size FI needs for his ring and <strong>hopefully going to get my registry exchange</strong> present tomorrow: heading home for the weekend; my brother and his family are coming home as well, we are going to celebrate my brothers birthday a weekend early; can't wait to spend some time with my family. Going through some challenges and need some QT with them sunday: birthday dinner for my brother, bonding time with the family
    Posted by Ash61612[/QUOTE]
    Fun! I'm sure they will love whatever you buy them.
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    Tonight: Dinner and being lazy

    Saturday: Grading papers and working on some homework

    Sunday: Going to Savannah for the day! It will be nice to get away for a few hours.
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    North visiting with my family! Seeing my adorable little niece :)
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