Getting in Shape

Yummy veggie soup recipe

Seeing as just about everyone wants to be in shape for their weddingor in general I thought it would be nice to share a recipe my grandmother had found for veggie soup and wanted me to make. It originally was a typical lame bland boring diet soup that I tweaked a bit to make it yummy. My family and FI love it and their all super picky about their veggies. I love the recipe because its hearty and I've noticed it helps sheds few pounds. Not a health professional cant guarantee weight lose for everyone. Here's the recipe hopefully those who do try it it works for you!

V8 veggie juice
broth of choicepreferably chicken or veggie
veggiesbroccoli, about 3 potatoes cubed, cabbage, corn, string beans and/or veggies of choice but make sure to add cabbage!
salt and pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients togetherexcept cabbage and bring to a boil on medium high heat. When thicker veggies start to get soft add cabbage last and cook for a few minutes. Add salt and pepper as you like it and enjoy!

I hope that those who try this enjoy and hope it helps in weight lose. Even if you aren't looking to lose weight this is a yummy soup perfect for cold winter weather. Enjoy!

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