New Jersey

Too many flower girls...what to do?

My one cousin and FI's three cousins will all be flower girls in our wedding. Before FI asked all of his cousins, I told him that since we had 4 girls two of them could be "ring girls" and the other two could be "flower girls". He agreed and said that would work, but when he called his cousin to ask her if her two daughters (they are twins) would like to be in the wedding he forgot to mention anything about having them carry ring pillows. His cousin said she knew they would be really excited to be flower girls, because their other cousin was just in a wedding and they were sad they couldn't be. Now I'm not sure what to do because all of the girls think they are "flower" girls and I'm not sure if the two will be upset that they will be carrying ring pillows. I may be totally over analyzing this and they may not even care, but I know children can throw tantrums and get jealous when others have something different than them.

Do you think they should all be flower girls? Or can I still have two walk down together as flower girls and two walk down together as ring girls? If they are all flower girls, should I have them walk down together in a big group (which I'm worried about the two in the back not being seen) or should they walk down in pairs? I'm open to other suggestions as well - but nothing too crazy, I like to be on the more traditional side.
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Re: Too many flower girls...what to do?

  • Denise91980Denise91980 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011

    How old are they? I had 4 little girls (ages 3,6, and two 8 year olds). I broke it up by making the younger 2 my flower girls and the other two jr. bridesmaids. I got the older 2 different dresses than the younger two so that they did not feel babyish.

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  • felicia220felicia220 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    I think my only question is, if two of the them were going to be Ring Girls would they actually be carrying down rings?  If not, then just have them all be FGs and have htem walk in pairs but in sets so you do get to see all of them.  Let them all throw pedals, more pedals for when you walk down :) 
  • edited December 2011
    I agree with felicia. Have them walk in pairs. The best man has the rings.
  • edited December 2011
    I would just make them all flower girls and have them walk in pairs. If you don't think it will cause any problems, you can still make two ring girls. But if they won't have the rings I don't see the point in making two of them walk with something different.
  • edited December 2011
    I guess I will all have them be flower girls, because they weren't going to carry the real rings anyway. My cousin is 8 years old and FI's cousins are 3 years old and the twins are either 7 or 8.

    I'm not sure if it would look weird to have them all throwing rose petals or if I should just have them all carry some sort of flower basket or pomander ball...
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • NJgurl19NJgurl19 member
    500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    I am having 3 Flower girls.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:90Discussion:9fc95047-5d07-49c8-aae7-759040332363Post:2d637ef0-ed1a-4c36-b1e0-29a267a5c76c">Re: Too many flower girls...what to do?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm not sure if it would look weird to have them all throwing rose petals or if I should just have them all carry some sort of flower basket or pomander ball...
    Posted by cutiepie12702[/QUOTE]

    I think all of them could throw rose petals. Perhaps give one pair a specific color and the second pair another. So there is a nice mix and correspond to your wedding colors. Just a thought.
  • edited December 2011
    That's a cute idea to mix the color petals...thank you! =)
    BabyFetus Ticker
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