My one cousin and FI's three cousins will all be flower girls in our wedding. Before FI asked all of his cousins, I told him that since we had 4 girls two of them could be "ring girls" and the other two could be "flower girls". He agreed and said that would work, but when he called his cousin to ask her if her two daughters (they are twins) would like to be in the wedding he forgot to mention anything about having them carry ring pillows. His cousin said she knew they would be really excited to be flower girls, because their other cousin was just in a wedding and they were sad they couldn't be. Now I'm not sure what to do because all of the girls think they are "flower" girls and I'm not sure if the two will be upset that they will be carrying ring pillows. I may be totally over analyzing this and they may not even care, but I know children can throw tantrums and get jealous when others have something different than them.
Do you think they should all be flower girls? Or can I still have two walk down together as flower girls and two walk down together as ring girls? If they are all flower girls, should I have them walk down together in a big group (which I'm worried about the two in the back not being seen) or should they walk down in pairs? I'm open to other suggestions as well - but nothing too crazy, I like to be on the more traditional side.