New Hampshire

Caterer opinions


I'm hoping to get some feedback on caterers.  We visited the Lyman Estate over the weekend and are considering it as a possible venue.  I plan to contact several of their preferred caterers for quotes but their list is so long that it's hard to know where to start.

Has anyone had any experience (good or bad) with any of the following caterers? 

Swartz Catering
Tables of Content
Capers Catering
Cuisine Chez Vous
Harverst Catering
East Meets West Catering
Gourmet Caterers
Via Lago
Celebrations Gourmet Catering
Boston Cafe & Catering

Opinions much appreciated! :)

Re: Caterer opinions

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    Debbie111111Debbie111111 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011

    Where are you having your reception?  What town?  I've never heard of any of them - but have been at places that Galley hatch catering did the food and it was great.  We used them for my parents 35 anniversary too - it was about 4 years ago, but it was pretty reasonable and just thinking of them makes me drool over their scallops wrapped in bacon with a maple glaze, yummmmmmm.

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