Pre-wedding Parties

Who pays for what at bachelorette party?

Hi all, my bridesmaids are planning a bachelorette party for me and I'm somewhat involved in the planning. I'm the first of my friends to get married and this is the first bach. party they've thrown and most of us have been to, so we've been trying to figure out who pays for what.

The plan is to have a weekend trip to Chicago - we're taking the train in Saturday morning, having a brunch, doing a little shopping, then drinks, dinner, and partying that night. We'd stay in a hotel and then probably stay through lunch Sunday before heading home. 

My bridesmaids were thinking that they'd pay for the hotel and for the brunch, but that everyone else (excluding me, they've graciously offered to cover my costs) would pay for their travel and for dinner/drinks/any shopping they did. Is this reasonable? Should they be hosting more/less? 

I know I'm going to get responses of "let them pay for what they can afford, be gracious, etc" and I'm very graciously accepting this party - but we're all unsure of what the typical payment situation is so I thought I'd ask here. Thanks so much :)

Re: Who pays for what at bachelorette party?

  • I think that what they have offered is MORE than fair.

    Personally, I would have said that everyone covers their own train tickets, meals, and cost of hotel.  You, the bride, would also pay for these things yourself except for maybe one meal and a drink.
  • We did an OOT bachelorette party for one of my friends and mine was OOT as well.  Everyone paid for their own share of lodging, food, shopping, etc. and we all split the brides food/drinks and they did the same for my party.


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